Chapter 16

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As you walk into the office, you try your best to think only about work. However, your mind is on everything that went on with Jimin on Friday. You know it is not possible for you to avoid him. But you tell yourself that what you can do is to act as if nothing has ever gone on between you and him and move forward as colleagues. You've perfected the art of pretending throughout your life. You had to pretend to like the people you were forced to live with, had to pretend that you had no preference, wants, or needs, had to pretend that you were okay being anonymous in any and all situations, and had to pretend that you were good with being unnoticed and unimportant. So, pretending that everything that went on in the past three weeks will be child's play for you.

When you get into your office, you go through your morning routine at work. You see that the divorce papers from Robyn Lee-Hewitt is waiting for you, and you make it a priority to deal with that. You also have received a message from your other client's union representative and make a note to call them back. Finding yourself feeling a bit on the lower side of energy, you decide to make a quick trip to the breakroom for some much-needed coffee. Wanting to get started on the work, you rush to the breakroom and get a large cup of it started. When you have your cup of energy in your hands, you take a long pull from it.

Feeling the warmth coursing down your chest, you make a mental list of all the things that you will need to get done. Once back in your office, you see that a new email had arrived while you were off getting your coffee. The email is from Clayton Jackson. The content of it says that you will be getting two new clients and to have Lauren set up appointments for both clients ASAP. You think, "This is great news. I must be doing something right for them to give me more responsibilities."

The morning is spent on follow-ups for your current cases. You also hear back from Lauren that she has been able to set up the two new client appointments for later this week. The next call you receive is from Virginia, Jimin's administrative assistant. She says, "Jimin would like to meet with you in preparation for the prelim hearings. Can you be available around 1:00 PM today?"

You sigh internally and say, "Yes, of course. I'll be there at 1:00. Thank you, Virginia." You think, "Well, can't avoid him forever."

The rest of the morning is spent reviewing court papers and finishing up research for the Newby case, in preparation for the 1:00 PM meeting. You work through lunch, opting to have another large cup of coffee instead of food, and around 12:45, you make your way upstairs for the 1:00 PM meeting with Jimin. You knock on the outer office suite door and walk in. Virginia says, "Hi, he is expecting you. You can go right on in."

"Thank you."

You give a quick knock before you enter Jimin's office. He is already at the round table pouring through paperwork. Without looking up, he says, "Hi, come have a seat. Do you have the stuff I had asked you for last week?"

"I do." You say, as you hand him a folder full of things.

He gives your work a cursory review and says, "Great. Have a seat. I got a call from the DA's office on Ray Newby's case. Looks like they are trying to get this case moved through. I think they believe that this is an open and shut case."

You think to yourself, "I would too."

Jimin continues, "I am telling you; this does not bode well for Ray. But... we are still going to do what we can to minimize the damage." He finally looks up from his paperwork and looks at you. You try your best to keep your facial expression neutral, but from Jimin's response, you are not sure if you are succeeding at it or not. He holds your gaze for more than what's comfortable for you, so you break eye contact and ask, "What should I be doing next?"

Still studying your face, as if he is trying to find answers to a question that only he knows, he replies, "We just need to comb through the procedural documents to see if there is anything that we can use to invoke doubt in the jury's minds. So, looks like the rest of the afternoon will be us pouring through paperwork."

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