Chapter 11

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When you leave Owen's apartment on Monday morning, you can feel his mood shift. You ask, as the two of you walk out of his apartment door, "I really wish you still lived with me. I get lonely here alone. Don't you want to take care of me?"

"Oh... Owen, you sweet boy."

"I just miss you a lot. Especially after spending a weekend like this and leaving for work together. All I'm saying is, I miss you terribly, and want you to move back in with me."

"What did I tell you about that? I have been cramping your style for too long. I can't keep asking you to make sacrifices for me. You've done more than anyone in my entire life. I am not going to take that for granted. You deserve your own space, and so do I."

Disappointment painted across his face, he says, "It seems like you don't even like me."

"I don't remember buying a ticket to go on this guilt trip. By the way, you look good enough to eat this morning, young man."

"I am a dish every morning."

"Ain't that the truth. I'll call you tonight. Okay?"


Once the two of you get to the parking garage for the apartment building, you say your goodbyes. But instead of your normal goodbye, he lays a kiss on you that makes your toes curl. You say, "Wow. What was that for?"

Owen replies, "Tanner is going to text you sometime today. I just wanted to remind you that I am a much better lay. That's all. Love you, Darlin."

Shaking your head, you say, "Love you too."

By the time you get to work, it is a little after 8:30 AM. You go through your morning routine of checking emails and messages. In your mail, you see correspondence from your client Robyn's soon-to-be ex-husband's lawyer. The divorce petition has been filed with a no-fault ground of irreconcilable difference. You will notify Robyn later today of this and to give her the heads-up about what the next steps will be. You also plan to get some ideas as to what kind, if any, request for temporary court orders will need to be filed. By the time you are done reviewing correspondence, returning emails, and making all the necessary phone calls, it is almost 11:00 AM. You think, "Jesus, it's already almost lunch time? Christ!"

Deciding to grab some coffee, you get to the office breakroom. As you are waiting for your coffee to finish brewing, you decide to check your phone. You have three text messages waiting for you.

Has the dull boy texted you yet?
If he did by the time, you read this, you owe me a blowy.

I hope your weekend was relaxing.
I was wondering when you were available to grab that drink.
Let me know when you can.
Just to put it out there, sooner the better.

How is my Kitten's Monday going?

You laugh at Owen's text and think, "I think I owe him like three of them now." You decide to text him back first.

What is the tally up to now?
Like 3 BJs?
And yes. Tanner did text me.
I think he might be pretty smitten.
I think he is pretty charming.

Charm is what a man that can't deliver, relies on, to hook the girls.
It's all just pretty gift wrapping with nothing substantial inside it.
I, on the other hand, can be absolutely cantankerous and downright surly, and get away with it.
Why, you ask?
Because I'm good looking, in great shape, AND I have a really big dick.
And most importantly, I know how to use it.

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