Chapter 45

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On Saturday morning, you wake up to bright sunshine coming through your bedroom windows and a text message from Owen.

Hey Toots,
Do you think you can be available this evening for dinner?
I would like for you to meet Moira.

Hell ya!
I have to talk to you about something too anyway.

Should I be concerned?

Oh no, not at all.
It's good news.
And if it works out, things might all work out fine.

In that case,
I am really excited about it.
So, how about we meet at 5:00 at O'Shaughnessy's?

That works for me.
I will be there with bells on.

All of this aside, how are you fairing with all this?
Everything with your guy at work?

You are going to think that I am a moron, but I miss him.
I really liked him, Owen.
It's going to take some time to put all of this behind me, I think.
But for what it's worth, I think he is prepared to stay away from me.
Which will help my process in getting over him.

You know I'm here if you ever want to talk.

Of course, I do.
I can't wait to see you and to meet Moira tonight.
I'll text you before I leave home.
Love you, Dufus!

Love you too, DumDum.

You decide to spend the rest of your day doing household chores and grocery shopping. Throughout the day, your mind races with thoughts of what life will be like traveling the country with Professor LeBeau. As you think about all of it, your mind inevitably drifts to Jimin. You can't seem to stop thinking about what he said to you yesterday morning in his office. Your next thought turns to seeing him in the parking deck and seeing his tears falling. Even with all that has happened, seeing him in pain like that, all you wanted to do is pull him into your arms and comfort him. You think, "We could have had something good. I guess it's just not in the cards for me."

After completing all your chores and reading your romance novel for the past hour and a half, you decide to get ready for dinner with your best friend and his new girl. While in the shower, you worry about how Owen will react when you tell him that you'll be travelling for the next six to eight months. You tell yourself, "He'll be okay. I'll only be gone for handful of weeks at a time, and I'll be home for couple weeks in between trips. Besides, it's less than a year, and in case Moira has an issue with her new boyfriend's best friend being a woman, it would be better for me to make myself scarce anyway, at least in the beginning of their relationship."

By the time you are done getting ready, it is 4:35 PM. You text Owen saying that you'll be leaving to head to the restaurant and hit the road. You arrive at O'Shaughnessy's Bar and Grille with about five minutes to spare. You park your car, grab your purse and make your way into the restaurant. As you are walking in, you can feel the butterflies of anxiety swirling around in your belly. You think, "I really hope Moira likes me."

When you walk up to the hostess and tell her about the reservation under Murphy, she says, "Your party has already arrived. Please follow me."

As you trail behind the hostess, you can see Owen, sitting in a booth, facing your direction. He immediately spots you and waves his hand. You tell the hostess, "Oh, I see him. I can manage from here. Thank you."

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