Chapter 38

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When you wake up on Saturday morning, Jimin is already up, smiling at you. He says, "Good morning, Kitten. How did my girl sleep last night?"

You say in your groggy and sleep soaked voice, "You know exactly how I slept last night."

Chuckling, he replies, "You were the one that made me wait all those weeks. Now, I have to play catch up with sex."


"You have no one but yourself to blame for the predicament you find yourself in currently."

Last night was spent on Jimin indulging himself in you physically. He proved to be an intense lover and the sharp edges that you used to see in him when the two of you first met started to reemerge. Jimin knew exactly what he wanted and had zero qualms about telling you what he wanted from you.

After last night, it became quite clear to you that what Jimin wants from you isn't just sex. What he truly wants from you is for you to give up your control completely to him and to allow him to orchestrate you in the bedroom. Behind closed doors, he seems to want complete control over you, your body, your mind, and thoughts.

While he was fucking you, he gave you instructions that you had to abide by. And with his instructions, there was an air of aggression that was never overtly expressed, but nonetheless, you knew was there. That if you didn't do what he told you to do, there would be consequences.

Even though you gave no pause when heeding his instructions/strong suggestions, you couldn't quite allow yourself to completely let go of your reins with him and he seemed to read the hesitation in you. He said, "Kitten, I am never going to do anything to hurt you on purpose, at least not without telling you what's coming and to make sure that the end result is your pleasure, your happiness. I know I don't have the best track record with you, but trust has to start somewhere. So, I'll be waiting, waiting for you to decide to trust me. You take your time. I won't rush you. When you hand over your rein, I need it to be absolute and voluntary."

On Friday night, following a marathon of rigorous sex, he finally allowed you to sleep after midnight. But around 3:00 AM, he woke you up telling you that he was going to fuck you and that you are allowed to cum, but that you are not allowed to move or make any noise as you were coming. With that instruction given, he grabbed your hips and pulled your rear end towards his already erect obelisk of a member and started his barrage.

When you reached your peak for the first time, you were able to stay silent, but couldn't stop your legs from shaking and core from clenching, rounding your back. When he saw your body buck and shudder, he actually looked angry. When your orgasm started to subside, he put his hand around your throat and said through his gritted teeth, "Do you think I'm fucking kidding around here? I told you to stay still. I'm going to fuck you again and you are going to cum again, and this time, you will remain still and silent. Do you understand me?" and before you can even answer, he thrusted into you.

When you felt your velvety depth suddenly stretch, you let out an involuntary moan. Hearing it, he asked again, "Do you fucking understand what I told you?" You felt his hand tightened around your neck slightly and all you could do was to croak out a weak, "Yes."

Jimin loosened the grip he had on your neck a bit and said, "Maybe you will make it through this weekend without any permanent marks after all."

As you rounded the corner to your second rapture, you had made your body go so rigid during it that the pulsating muscle spasms couldn't move your body. However, during one of the more intense contractions, you were powerless over the small whimper that slipped through your lips. When Jimin heard that small sound of pleasure coming from you, you saw the fire behind his eyes swell. Then suddenly, he pulled out of you and grabbed your face with his hand, squeezing your cheeks, hollowing them out. He said, "I thought you said you understood my instructions, yet here you are. I am going to review my instructions one more time. I'm going to fuck you again and make you cum, again, but as you are coming, you are not to emit any sounds or move a single muscle. Do you understand?" He said as his full lips were only millimeters away from your own gaping one. With your face squished in his hand, all you could do was nod in agreement.

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