Chapter 30

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The concert ended at 10:00 PM and by the time you and Owen get to his car, it is around 10:30 PM. You and Owen have enjoyed yourselves thoroughly and are feeling tired but awake. When the two of you are back in the car, both let out a deep sigh. Owen looks over to you and says, "Darlin, I had the best time ever tonight. Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me? Tonight, was your brainchild. I'm the one that should be thanking you. So, thank you Babe."

Owen asks, "Ready to go home?"

"I sure am."

When he puts the car in reverse to get out of the parking spot, you get into a kneel on your seat and grab for the zipper on his jeans. Owen intercepts you and says, "Oh no. No, no please. You win, okay? The little man is really sore right now. Please, he needs rest. There is a good chance that you might have killed him. I'm not sure if he'll ever work again. Seriously, Darlin, you've made your point. I'm scared to pee at this point."

"Oh, C'mon Owen. I want to suck it. Please, let me suck it."

Owen groans and says, "Fuck, you are being such a dirty little slut right now and I'm really digging it. However, the little fellow was really overused. Please... I'll let you suck my cock tomorrow. Just not right now. And stop being so fucking hot. Jesus...."

Feeling triumphant, you exclaim, "Ha! I told you; you'd run from me. I feel so very accomplished."

"Ow, ow, ow."

"What? What's wrong?"

"My dick is getting hard again, and it hurts."

"How about you let me just lick the tip a little?"

"Stay back, you succubus!" Owen shouts, as he uses the palm of his hand to push your head away from his overused penis.

Laughing aloud, you reply, "And don't you forget it, Boy!"

Chortling, Owen looks over at you fondly and caresses your cheek with his thumb.

Because you were so preoccupied with having fun with Owen all night, you neglected to check your phone. When there is a small lull in the conversation, you decide to see if you've received any messages. You retrieve your phone from your purse and see that you have a couple of messages.

Owen, seeing you check your phone, asks, "Any texts or messages from your guy?"

You reply, "Looks like I've got one from Jimin and one from Tanner."

"Well, tell me. What do they want?"

"Let's see...."

Just checking to see if we are still on for tomorrow at 11:00 for our brunch.
I'm really looking forward to it.
I would like to make up for our last date.
I know you are out with Owen, so get back to me when you can.
Talk to you soon, Sweetheart.

Kitten, I told my parents about my plans.
They took it much better than I thought they would.
I was worried that they were going to try and talk me out of it, but to my relief, nothing remotely like that happened.
I got to find out that my father, was engaged to another woman when he met my mother and had to call his wedding off, so that he could pursue my her.
I was completely shocked by it.
He said he can understand why I'm doing what I'm doing.
Did you have a good time at the concert?
You'll have to tell me about it on Sunday.
I'm going to go see Piper tomorrow as planned.
Text me when you can.
I miss you, Kitten.

You tell Owen, "One from Tanner confirming our date for tomorrow morning, and one from Jimin saying that things with his parents went very well. Also, he found out that when his father met his mother, his father was engaged to be married and had to break it off, so that he could pursue his mother. Also, that he will be talking to Piper tomorrow."

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