Chapter 27

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On Tuesday morning, you wake up to Owen watching you sleep. You say, "Good morning. You are up nice and early."

"Darlin, I want you now."

"Hey now, you sure are spry this morning."

Owen descends upon you with a kiss and says, "C'mon Baby girl. Open up for me. I want to be inside you."

"Okay. If you insist."

Smiling against your lips he says, "I do insist."

Sex this morning is sweet and tender. No haste or aggression, but more joyous and less desperate. The two of you reach climax together and when you are both spent, Owen holds you tight to him. Then he says, "Okay. That was for today. You and I are going to do this every single day until I can no longer have you this way."

"You were serious about that?"

"Yes. I was hoping that by the time I would have to let go of this part of you, I would have had my fill of you, but I don't think that'll be the case. So, I want to use the time I do have wisely. I sure am going to miss sharing this part of myself with you."

"Oh C'mon, man. You make it sound like one of us is moving away or dying. You know you can't get rid of me. I told you, even after death, I'll come find your ass."

Owen sighs and says, "I am indeed blessed in the best friend department."

You reply, "Owen, I think I'm the one that's blessed. I love you, Babe! C'mon, enough of this sappiness. Let's get ready for work."

The next hour is spent on the two of you getting ready for work. Owen is wearing a grey-green suit with a dark grey tie and pair of black wingtips. You take a moment to look at your old friend and say, "Christ... Owen. You really shouldn't be allowed in public looking like that. How are you not mauled by women every second of every day?"

Bursting out in laughter, Owen replies, "Who says I don't?"


"You are going to come over to my place after work tomorrow and I'll be by yours on Thursday. And Friday night is our date night. It'll be epic."

"I am meeting Tanner on Saturday for brunch and then seeing what else we can get into."

Owen, tossing his bag into the back of his car, says, "As long as he isn't getting inside you, I don't care what you do. But, after the date, you are coming back to my place."

"C'mon, I told you. I can't have a man that I'm dating, drop me off at another man's house at the end of the said date. I don't care what you say."

"Fine. Then have him drop you off wherever and I'll come to pick you up. Better yet, you should drive yourself. This way, you can leave right from here and after, come right back. And don't try to fuck him and lie to me about it after. I'll know. I'm going to fuck you after your date."

"Mother of God... okay. You have a good day at work. I'll text you later. Love you."

"Love you too, Darlin. Now, if something goes down between your guy at work and you, I need to be informed instantaneously. As you find out, I should be informed. Got it?"

"Yes. I got it. I'm telling you nothing is happening this week."

You give your best friend a hug and he say, "Okay. see you later."

The drive to work is quick and easy. When you get to your office, you find several messages related to a few of your current cases. You make a to-do list for today and get your day started. About an hour into your morning, you get a knock at your door. You say, "Come in. It's open."

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