Chapter 26

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You wake up on Monday morning, feeling rested and refreshed. When you stretch, trying to grab your phone off the nightstand, Owen's arms tighten around you and he mumbles against your neck, "Where do you think you are going?"

"Owen, my dear. I'm just trying to get my phone off the nightstand to check the time."

Owen opens one eye, looks at the clock on the wall and says, "It's 9:10 AM. Why do you need to know what time it is? It's your day off."

"I didn't want to sleep the day away." You wiggle yourself back to where you were before you stretched yourself out to grab for your phone.

Owen asks, "So, what did you want to do today? I know what I want to do, but I thought I would get your input as well."

Laughing softly, you ask, "What did you want to do today?"

He snakes his hand down the front of your panties to separates your folds with his hand, then he inserts his middle finger into your depth and says, "I'm going to spend most of today buried in here. Christ, you are getting wet already. It doesn't take much, does it?"

"Shut up. This past weekend was filled with occasions where I was turned on to the max, but I had no choice but to put the brakes on. It wasn't great."

Then Owen says, "Well, I'm not about to waste this opportunity." He lowers your underwear over your hips, then says, "Take this fucking thing off. No more panties for you. Ever! I'm going to dump your underwear drawer into the garbage today. It serves absolutely no purpose when you are with me."

You remove your underwear as you have been instructed, and as you do, you can feel your bottom completely wet through with your own desire. Owen orders you to get on your belly. "Now, stick your ass up. There you go... arch your back some more. Now, put your arms behind your back. Very good. That's my good girl."

Owen gets up and straddles your thighs. Holding onto his hard member, Owen guides it to your wet hole. And without any hesitation, he slides his hard-as-stone cock into you in one fell swoop. When he suddenly breaches your depth, you scream out in pleasure, as Owen sucks in a breath through his gritted teeth and groans. He says, "Your pussy is so wet and tight. Oh God... I'm going to blow my fucking load already. You feel so good."

Owen starts to pump in and out of you, keeping a lazy pace. But seemingly unsatisfied with his current lot, he pulls out of you completely and orders you into his favorite position. "You just keep your tits down and ass up. I will do the rest."

Getting behind you, he glides his rigid phallus back into your pink and wet depth and resumes his languid thrusting. But all of a sudden, Owen stops and pulls out of you once again. Frustrated, you utter over your shoulder, "Damnit Owen, that felt so good. Why did you stop? I need to cum, do you understand? What are you doing?"

"Alright, alright. I'll make sure you cum, for goodness' sake." He plunges back into you and resumes his slow and languid pace. Then he says, "I'm going to record this. You fucking need to see what I'm seeing. Good God... you have to see how stretch out your pussy has to get to take me in. Fuck.... This feels so good."

Owen uses his phone to record this sex act. He lets the camera record for about five minutes and when he is done, he props the phone against the pillow in front of you and plays the footage. As you watch, Owen snakes his hand to your front and starts to manipulate your pleasure button. You murmur, "My God! That's what your vantage point looks like? Meanwhile my face is smooshed against the bed. That just doesn't seem fair. OH OWEN, keep going. Don't stop, I'm close."

You can hear Owen chuckling behind you as you moan and whine your way to your peak.  Then as you fall off that cliff into your ecstasy, Owen grabs your waist with his hands and hammers into you. He cries out, "Fuck, Little girl, your cunt feels like a vise around my cock. Oh, God...I'm going to cum too."

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