Chapter 3

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It took you until the end of Thursday that week, to get through all six boxes of case files Jimin had asked you to review. Before you left work on Thursday, you sent out an email to him to let him know that you've reviewed all the files he had for the case, and to say that he should let you know if there is anything else he wanted you to do. Almost immediately after you sent the email, you received a reply from Jimin asking for you to meet with him tomorrow after work to discuss the case. You think, "Why can't we meet during work hours?" With that exact thought, you email him back to say that you had availabilities during work hours and that you'd be more than happy to discuss the case earlier in the day. The reply you received wasn't via email, but through text. However, you never added Jimin's number to your phone. So, when you received the text from him, you were quite confused.

Unknown number:
I'm trying to feed you dinner.
Quit being so difficult and just say yes.

I'm sorry.
Who is this?

Unknown number:
Wait, are you telling me that I never made it into your contact list?

I would be more than happy to add you to my contact list if you'd just tell me who you are.
Wait. Is this Owen?

Unknown number:
Who is Owen?

Okay, unless you identify yourself in your next text, you are getting blocked.

Unknown number:
Okay, Geez...
It's me, Jimin.

Oh my God!
I'm so sorry.
I just never expected you to text me.
I'll add you to my contact list right now.

Who is Owen?
I thought you didn't have a boyfriend.

I don't.
Well, technically, he is a boy and a friend, but not a boyfriend.
More like a boy-friend.
So, what did you need?

I said, I am trying to feed you dinner tomorrow night.
And that you should stop being so difficult and say yes and thank you.

I will say yes, but only if you let me buy you dinner.

Well, Madam, that's never going to happen.
So, you might as well just give in.

Oh, and you still haven't told me where you were going to take your car to get fixed.
I'm all ready to pay for it.
To be honest, I would really like that chapter of my life to come to an end, so if you would be so kind to get the car to an auto body shop of your choice as soon as possible, I would really appreciate it.

Oh, the car's been fixed already.

Wait. What?
How did you find someone to fix your car so fast?
Why didn't you tell me?
I was supposed to pay. 
Okay, I need you to tell me what the cost of the repair was, so I can reimburse you.

That's never going to happen either.

I'm kind of confused now.
What is happening?

I am taking you out to dinner tomorrow after work to discuss the case.
Since you are my new associate on the case, we'll need to strategize, in case it goes to court.

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