Chapter 34

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When you arrive at the office on Tuesday morning, you drop off your things in your office and head straight to Jimin's, as he had requested. When you walk into his office suite, Virginia is already there to greet you. You say, "Good morning, Virginia."

"Good morning, dear. Jimin is already expecting you. You can go right on in."

"Thank you."

When you walk into Jimin's office, he looks up at you with a bright smile and exclaims, "Finally! It took you long enough. I've been in the office for almost an hour already, just waiting for you like a lost puppy. Come here, right now!"

With an exaggerated eye roll, you walk up to Jimin and say, "Good morning, sir." When you walk to his desk, he signals you to walk around to him. You do as you are asked. When you get around his desk and approach him, still sitting in his chair, he stands up and looks down at your upturned face. Then he says softly, "Kitten, Baby, I missed you."

"I missed you too."

Jimin wraps his arms around your waist and holds you right up against his body. He says, "I've been wanting to kiss these lips all fucking night. Fuck, and these tits. He unwinds his right arm from your waist and starts to unbutton your blouse.

Seeing what he is doing, you ask, "Um... excuse me. What do you think you are doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I want these perfect specimens in my mouth." As soon as he gets your shirt button undone down do your navel, he opens up your blouse and pulls your bra down to reveal your round swells. He murmurs, "Goddamn, they are absolute perfection," and starts to languidly lick and suckle on them.

Suddenly he lets go of your breast from his mouth and sits back down on his chair. Then he says, "Come. Straddle my lap. I'm going to spend some time enjoying these gorgeous things."

As you straddle his muscular thighs, you reply, "C'mon. Virginia is sitting right outside. What if she comes in?"

"She'll see me indulging myself in my girl's beautiful breasts. That's what." He says, as he suckles on one, and massages the other with his hand. Then he mutters, "Fuuuck... you are getting my dick hard." And starts to undo his pants, finally exposing his already hard length. Then he instructs you, "Move your panties aside and ride me. I want to feel that tight little piece of heaven around me. C'mon, what the fuck are you waiting for?"

"Jimin, I don't want to get fired for having sex at work with one of the bosses."

Jimin bursts out into laughter and says, "I'll make sure that doesn't happen. Now, fuck me."

Still a bit concerned, you do as he says and sink your wet sex around his thick phallus. Jimin can see you struggling to take him in all the way and says, "Is my cock too thick for my Kitten's tiny pussy?" He grabs a hold of your waist and pushes you down onto him as he thrusts up into you. Not wanting to make any noise, you grit your teeth and grimace in both pain and pleasure. Then Jimin says, "Baby, I swear, if you weren't so fucking wet, I would never fit in here. You feel so Goddamn tight. Fuck, so good. C'mon, fucking ride my cock."

With some help from Jimin's strong arms, you start to ride him earnestly. Jimin moans and groans audibly. You put your hands over his mouth and say, "Shhh.... You have got to be quieter. What if Virginia hears?"

Jimin replies, "Ginny has been with me for almost ten years. She is silent as the grave. I'm telling you I would be completely lost without her. Now, can you please stop talking about her and focus on fucking me please?" Another few minutes of you straddling him, he says, "Get up. I need to fucking let you have it. If you don't want Ginny to hear you, you better put your hands over your mouth, because I am going to fuck the shit out of you right now."

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