Chapter 31

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Jimin wakes up in his apartment Saturday morning with some level of anxiety about what he has to do today. Jimin cannot wait until this task is done and he can finally be with you, have you, claim you, truly make you his. But he can't think about any of that right now. Jimin has been thinking about what he is going to say and how he is going to approach this with Piper. He gets out of bed. Shirtless and in a pair of lounge pants hung loosely on his hips, he walks to his kitchen and makes himself a cup of coffee. Jimin looks at the clock on the wall and sees that it is 9:30 AM. He sits in his kitchen island with his cup of coffee and decides to text Piper.

Good morning, Piper,
I want to see you today, Sweetheart.
What is your schedule like?

Good morning,
I am going to meet my girlfriends for brunch.
I have to ask them to be my bride's maids.
I mean, they are already expecting it, but I need to do it formally.
We can meet after.
Do you want me to come over?

No, I'll come by your place.
Just tell me when.

I should be home around 1:00.
I miss you, Baby.
I want your hands on me.

I'll be there at 1:00.
See you soon, Sweetheart.

Jimin thinks, "Four hours until I can be free of Piper and be with my Kitten. Fuck! How did my father get through this?" He wanders the apartment trying to find things to do. He sits and flips through his TV channels for a bit. Not finding anything that he wants to watch, he decides to put in some time working on his cases.

The next time he looks up at the clock, it's 12:20. Jimin thinks, "Maybe I should head out now. Take my time getting to Piper's." Jimin puts away his work and gets ready to head out to make yet another life-changing decision. By the time he gets to Piper's, it's a little after 12:40. He finds parking on the street in front of Piper's apartment and waits. Jimin is still struggling with how he is going to start this conversation. "How do I start this? Do I sit her down and say there is something about the engagement that we need to talk about, or do I just blurt it out with no introduction? Shit! What am I going to say?" In the midst of him trying to figure out how he is going to start this very difficult conversation, he looks at his watch to see that it is 1:00 PM.

Jimin takes a deep breath, gets out of his vehicle, and heads for Piper's place. While sitting in his car, waiting for 1 o'clock to roll around, he didn't see Piper walking into her building. Not sure if she is even home yet, he rings her doorbell. Within seconds of the bell ringing, Jimin hears excited footsteps approaching and her apartment door swings open.

Piper has on a big smile, and she wraps her arms around Jimin's neck, planting an enthusiastic kiss on his lips. She says, "I'm so happy to see you, Baby."

Jimin, wrapping his arms around her waist out of habit, replies, "Sweetheart, when did you get home? I was sitting outside in my car waiting for 1:00."

"Oh, I wanted to make sure that I was home when you got here, so I've been home since 12:30. Well, don't just stand there, come in. I have a ton I need to tell you about the brunch with my girlfriends. Obviously, my sister is going to be my maid of honor, but all of my friends said yes to be in my wedding party. There is Kerry, Jaclyn, Erin, Kim, and June. So, you are going to have to come up with five groomsmen. They are all so excited for me."

Feeling overwhelmed with everything Piper is saying to him, Jimin unwraps his arms from around her waist and says, "Listen, I need to talk to you about all of that. Can we go have a seat?"

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