Chapter 43

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When you arrive at Owen's apartment building, it's almost 6:00 PM. In the elevator ride up to Owen's apartment, you try to organize your thoughts, so that you can tell Owen, as clearly and concisely as possible, what you saw last night. By the time you're at his door and ringing the doorbell, you already feel more than exhausted. You don't really want to cry, but you don't think you can get away from it once you start to tell the story of what happened.

As you take a deep breath and let it out slowly, you can hear footsteps approaching the door and you start to feel anxious. When you see the doorknob twist open, you take a hard swallow, and your eyes see your best friend of almost ten years standing there with look of utter relief in his eyes and suddenly, a loud sob escapes your mouth. The sound catches you completely off guard and you put both of your hands over your mouth. But the crashing waves of tears and sobs come at you fast and relentlessly that you can't seem to stop it.

Hearing your cry, Owen's eyes double in size in distress. He grabs your wrist and pulls you inside his apartment. Owen slams the door behind you and pulls you into his embrace. The simple fact of being enveloped in his familiar embrace helps you remember that you aren't alone. So, you allow yourself to feel everything and cry, as if someone died, as if you were abandoned by everyone that was supposed to love you, as if you had to grow up all alone and no one to rely on. All of the sorrow and hardship you had to swallow over the years, all those times that you didn't allow yourself to cry, they all finally see the sliver of light coming through the cracks of your defense and come pouring out.

Owen has never seen you like this. He isn't even sure if he has ever seen you out and out, cry like this. Not knowing what else to do, he just holds you. You are crying so hard that you can't seem to catch your breath. As if the weight of your sorrow and disappointment is weighing your body down, your knees suddenly give out and Owen has to hold you up. Then slowly, he lowers you to the ground. In a heap, you fall. And your best mate wraps his arms and legs around you and holds you.

After what seems like an hour of sobbing, your cries start to diminish into shuddering breaths and hiccups. Your face is still buried in Owen's bare chest and the only sound that can be heard throughout his apartment is your staccato inhales and audible sighs. You didn't realize this until just now, but Owen has been rocking you back and forth, with his limbs still coiled around you. When you think you can finally speak, you say a tiny, "Hi Owen."

"Hi Darlin. Baby girl, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you last night. Can you forgive me?"

"There is nothing to forgive. I cannot expect you to put your life on hold for me. Not anymore. You've done enough of that. I'm sorry if I scared you. I thought I was going mad. But I was able to get it together. Sorry. I am so glad that you didn't get my calls or messages last night. I would not have forgiven myself if I had to ruin your night."

"Will you shut up? I'm sorry you had to be so upset and be alone through it. But Darlin, do you think you are up to telling me what happened to you last night?"

You simply nod your head. You can feel Owen caressing your hair and kissing the top of your head. Then he says, "Do you think you are okay enough to get up? If not, we can just sit here all night. But I feel like you'd be a lot more comfortable on the couch."

Another mute nod. Then Owen says, "Okay, then. Let's get you up." He unwraps his arms and legs and stands first. Then, he puts his hands on your waist and lifts you up into a standing position. Once you are standing on your feet, he says, "There. C'mon, Love. Let's go have a seat in the living room and you can tell me all about it."

The two of you are sitting on the couch, facing each other. You can see Owen's bare chest, wet from your tears. So, you use your shirt sleeves to dry him off. You say, "I'm sorry, I got you all wet."

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