Chapter 6

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By the time you arrive at your office, it is 9:00 AM. You arrived at work this morning, later than you would have liked, but you didn't realize how physically spent you were, after being with Owen last night. Getting a bit more sleep than originally planned, you feel better and more rested. When you sit at your desk and start to check your email, you see that Clayton had sent you an email. You decide to open the one from Clayton first. The email says that he would like to meet with you and Jordan this morning at 10:00 to discuss your role in the firm, moving forward. You reply saying that you'll be there and continue with reviewing your other emails. Around 9:50, you leave your office and head up to Clayton's. You take the elevator up all the way to the top.

As you exit the elevator, you run into Jimin. You say, "Good morning Jimin."

"Good morning. Are you here to see me?"

"No, Clayton summoned me for a 10:00 AM meeting at his office. I think I'll be meeting with him and Jordan. I'm assuming he will let me know about taking clients of my own, etc."

"You and I are still up for the deposition today at noon. Right?"

"Yes. I'll be in my office, waiting for you to come get me, at noon today."

"Sounds good, Kitten. I'll see you in a couple of hours."

Then he walks into the elevator and does not break eye contact with you until the doors close. You think to yourself, "Why do I love it so much when he calls me Kitten? It is totally unprofessional, but I don't want him to stop. What am I doing?"

When you get to Clayton's office, you knock on his door. When you hear the man say, "Come in." You open the door and step inside. Jordan is already at the table and greets you.

"Good morning, Counselor. Come and have a seat."

"Good morning, Jordan. Thank you."

Clayton joins the two of you at the table and says, "I have been getting positive feedback from Jimin. Apparently, you are eager to learn and aren't afraid of hard work."

"Yes, all of those assessments of me are correct." You say with a small smile on your face.

Jordan says, "Well, because of that, I think we would like to give you an opportunity to take on a couple of clients of your own. One of us can still be on the case officially, but the billing will be done with you as the primary. What do you think?"

"Oh my God, I would love that opportunity."

"Perfect. We have a couple of different cases. One will be the newest divorce case that Jordan has, and the other is a labor dispute between a mental health worker and one of the universities around here."

You say, with a significant amount of enthusiasm, "I am ready. I'm really excited. So, do you guys have a file started on these clients or would you like me to get that started?"

Jordan and Clayton look at each other with a satisfied smile. Then Jordan says, "Why don't you have Lauren call the two clients and have them set up a time to meet with you so that you can get the background information and the retainers signed. Would that work?"

"Yes. I'll call Lauren as soon as I get back to my office. I won't let you down. I swear."

"We know you won't. We are glad you've joined our practice."

When the meeting is over, you are pretty much on cloud nine. You think, "I'm an actual lawyer now. I cannot believe it." As soon as you get back to your office, you call Lauren to ask her to call the two clients to set up an initial appointments. Lauren says, "Will do. I'll let you know when the meetings are. Now, are there times that you don't want me to use?"

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