Chapter 24

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Saturday morning, you wake up to a notification for a text message already from Owen.

Holy fuck, Darlin.
I fucking woke up to that video you sent me.
You are the hottest piece of ass I've ever had.
You actually recorded yourself squirting, I swear, I almost had a heart attack.
I am going to keep this piece of footage for posterity.
It's 9:30 AM here and I've already jerked off twice.
If I buy you a plane ticket, can you come home tonight?
I really can't go much longer without being inside you. 
Oh, I bought you a vibrator that I can control right from my phone. 
You are going to put it on/in, and I am going to take you out.
That is going to be so much fun.
Come home, please.
I am begging you.
Love you, Darlin.

Good morning!
I thought you'd like that.
I still can't understand this whole "squirting" business.
I'm just glad it meets your standard.
And I can't wait to get home either.
I went out to dinner with Professor LeBeau last night and he kissed me.
Jesus Christ, I don't ever remember that man being that hot.
Oh, and he remembered you.
He asked me if I had a boyfriend and when I told him no, he asked,
"What about that handsome young man that used to come pick you up after class?"

LOL, is that what had you so worked up?


You know, I love that these guys get you all worked up and can't get to the end with you and I get to reap all the benefits.
If they knew how sweet you are, they'd have you under lock and key.
Darlin, just hurry up and come home.
By the way, your flight lands at 6:30 on Sunday, right?

Thank you again for coming to get me.
I'm going to take Monday off and take a day to relax.

Well, guess who's taking Monday off too.

Are you serious?

As a heart attack.
We can just spend the day fucking and vegetating.

My god... that sounds perfect.
Handsome, I need to get up and get ready for the day. 
I'm hoping that today isn't as long as it was yesterday.
I'll text you around lunch.
Talk to you later!

You be safe, Sweetheart.

This morning, you have Remy LeBeau's last lecture of the conference and then the rest of the afternoon is free. Your plan is to reach out to the driver and have him drive you to different landmarks in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. As you get ready for your morning, you get another text, but this time, it's from Remy LeBeau.

Good morning, Cher.
I wanted to let you know that I had the event coordinator reserve a seat for you, right front and center, where I can see you nice and clearly.
When you get to the check-in desk, one of them will escort you to your seat.
I had a really wonderful time last night and I'll be dropping you a line when I get home so we can do that again.

Good morning!
My goodness, you didn't have to go to all that trouble for me.
And I had a wonderful time last night as well.
I would love to do that again once we get home.
Well, I'm in the middle of getting ready, so I'll see you in a few.
And thank you for the reserved seat.
It will be nice to see you teaching up close again.

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