Chapter 32

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On Monday morning, you are awakened by sunlight streaming through your bedroom window. You feel a man's arms wrapped around you and think that they belong to Owen. But when you shimmy around within the embrace to face the man, you see the delicate features on sleeping Jimin's face. His long and dark lashes against his cheeks, his flawless skin, soft and warm. You can hear his breath as he inhales and exhales softly. You think, "How is it that it is so easy to be so happy with this man. This practical stranger, how is he making me feel this content?"

Feeling the warmth of his skin against yours, you make yourself as small as you can and nestle into him. Jimin feels you snuggling up against his chest and says, in his sleep-sodden voice, "Oh, my sweet Kitten. Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"I did. Very well. You?"

"I haven't slept this well in a long while. Kitten, you make me so happy, Little one." He says as he tightens the hold he has on you. Then he opens one eye and suggests, "We should just play hookie today. Yesterday wasn't enough time for me to get my fill of you."

You reply, "Hey, Mister 'I'm one of the Partners and I can take a day off whenever I want,' maybe you can, but I cannot. I took last Monday off after the conference, so my days of taking off willy-nilly are over. I'm going to have to get up and get ready for work in...." You reach over to your nightstand and check the time on your phone, then continue, "Fifteen minutes."

"What if I told you I'm not going to let you leave?"

"Now, how in the world are you going to keep me from going to work?"

With his eyes still closed and a mischievous grin on his lips, he asks, "Is this a challenge? A dare, perhaps?"

You can feel his arm muscles flex and tighten around you, and his fingers digging into your sides. Immediately, you say, "Okay, okay. Sorry, please don't do whatever it is that you were planning to do to me. You win. You technically can stop me. But I hope you don't because I would hate to get fired. I just started working there and I am planning on buying a place of my own in the next six months."

"You are?"

"Yes. All I ever wanted was a place of my own that I could dig in and grow my roots in. Initially, I thought of buying a condo, but Owen advised me against it. He said, 'You need to buy land. That's the only thing that they aren't going to make more of.' So, I decided to wait a little longer, save up and buy a house instead. I actually love this house. But I'm not sure if the landlord would be willing to sell it. I love the neighbors. There is a family that lives next door. The Taylors, nicest people you'll ever meet. At least once a month, Mrs. Taylor will bring over her baked goods and they are to die for. I want to put down roots somewhere and grow. I hate moving around. I had to do that too often and now that I have some control over my life, I don't want to move around anymore. If I don't ever move again, it'll be too soon."

Jimin says, "I can definitely see why you wouldn't. Kitten, I would like for you to tell me more about your childhood. As much as you can stomach it. I want to know every single thing about you. I want to know you better than I know anyone else."

"Sure, but you already know that not all of my history has been good. You don't have to worry about me being able to stomach it. The person that you need to worry about being able to stomach my history, is you. I know I've struggled to tell you about the stories before, but that was really because I wasn't prepared for it. Once I am, telling the story isn't hard for me because it's all behind me now."

"Kitten, I just want to be as close to you as possible. In every way possible."

"There's no need to rush, is there? We have time. I'm not going anywhere, and I hope you don't have any plans of leaving anytime soon."

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