Chapter 22

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When you awake this morning, you feel a pair of arms wrapped around you. This morning you are playing the role of the little spoon. Completely forgetting where you are, you think that the arms that are currently holding you belong to Owen. With your eyes still closed, you wiggle your body around to face the man, to whom those arms belong. With a smile on your face, you say, "Good morning."

You snuggle in and as you do, those arms that are holding you grip you a little tighter. It isn't until you hear Jimin say, "Good morning, Kitten. Did you sleep well?" that you realize in whose arms you are, in the moment. There is a momentary panic at the thought of possibly having done something that you shouldn't have with this man but remember the exchange the two of you had last night and relax. You can feel Jimin chuckling, and you ask, "What's funny?"

"I could feel the minor panic you were in while trying to remember, if you and I had fucked last night. Then a little pause, during which I am sure you were reviewing what happened last night and then relaxing. You are pretty adorable."

"Oh, you be quiet...."

Still chortling, Jimin says, "I really tried to get you to let me fuck you, but you shut me down over and over again. It really hurt my feelings."

"You are impossible." You shimmy yourself around again to return to the little spoon position. In your attempt at getting comfortable, you move around a bit.

When you do, Jimin says, "I am only going to issue this warning once. If you continue to wiggle your behind against him like that, he will not take it kindly. Once he gets crossed, there won't be much I can do to keep him from acting out. So, if you know what's good for you, you'll quit all that ass-wiggling you are doing." Then Jimin presses his morning wood against your bum.

You ask, "Did he go away and come back, or has he been here the whole time?"

"I went to sleep with him and then woke up with him. I have no idea of his whereabouts while I was unconscious."

Laughing softly, you say, "A perfect troublemaker."

You can feel Jimin planting kisses on your shoulders and think, "Imagine waking up to this every morning. That would be lovely." But your next thought is, "Probably not in the cards for me though. Not with him anyway."

Jimin says, "Quit all the fussing you are doing in your head right now. I am going to sort all this out when we get back."

You truly want to believe him, but history and statistics not being on your side, you tap his hands with yours, signaling him to release you without replying to his comment. Then you say, "Jimin, I need to get up and get ready for the day."

He tightens his hold on you and says, "You believe me, don't you?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I believe you."

"Good. Kitten, my mind is made up. I want to be with you. You make me so happy."

"I'm glad I make you happy. Now, I need to get ready. So do you. C'mon. Let's get the day started."

"So.... There is still no chance of you letting him in. Right?"

You laugh softly and sigh, then reply, "No, no chance of me letting him in. I really shouldn't have let you stay here last night. But...."

"But what?"

"But I didn't want you to leave me."

Hearing the words, confirming that you want him close to you as much as he wants to be near you, it lights a carnal fire in Jimin that he isn't sure he can fight back. You can hear the quality of his breath changing from regular and quiet to loud and ragged. His hands are on your hips, gripping you tightly. Then you hear him say, "Christ, fuck! Kitten, I have to have you right now. Right the fuck now. I want to glide into your wet pussy. I want that so bad that I can taste it. Please, Kitten. Please... just this once. I want to know what it's like to be inside you. Oh God... I got so close to having you before. Will you let me, Kitten? Will you?"

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