Chapter 14

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Jimin wanted to take his newly minted fiancé out on the town and show her a good time. After the madness in his office with his Kitten earlier this week, he had to find a way to make a decision. The choices that he was facing were, 1) stay with Piper, who he is sure he loves, or 2) throw away three years of his life with Piper, just to see if there was something that could work between you and him. The fact that he was interrupted when he was so close to claiming you, so close to making you his, frustrated him beyond comprehension. So, Jimin spent most of Wednesday thinking, weighing options, and contemplating possible outcomes. He knew that you wanted him as much as he did you, but he started to question his motives. He asks himself what it is that he is feeling for you. Is it simply lust? But if it was, he couldn't account for how he felt when he was near you.

In all honesty, Jimin has coveted other women before; plenty of times. But it was always skin deep. He had never craved to be near them, never felt joy when he laid his eyes on them. What he wanted was to fuck them, to feel their insides wrap around his cock, and to pump his cum into whatever hole he had elected to fuck at that time. What seemed to confuse Jimin the most was his inability to identify the feeling he had for you. Was it temporary insanity? Perhaps, it was cold feet of a man who understood the inevitability of taking that plunge into "until death do us part." Jimin knew that he needed to get his shit together and needed to choose a path, and then face whatever consequences the chosen path would bring. Whenever he thought about things this way, the logical and rational choice was always to stay with Piper and leave you behind. But every time he thought about walking away from you, he would feel a pang of anguish and longing so intense that it felt like a tangible thing. The pain from the decision to walk away from you was equally as real as the pain of a broken bone. Then Jimin's automatic thought would be, "But God... I miss her so much. I want her in my arms, my sweet Kitten."

On Wednesday night, sitting alone in his huge penthouse brownstone apartment, his mind still filled with thoughts, images, and memories of you, he decided to make a decision about his future. He decided that relationships, the good ones, are built on things that have lasted through the test of time, such as trust, commitment, patience, and mutual respect. He was certain that he had all of those qualities with Piper, and that he barely knew his Kitten. Then he thought, "I have to stop thinking of her as mine. She isn't my Kitten. Not because she doesn't want to be, but because I'm not available to claim her. Because I want her and she wants me, but none of that matters, because I am committed to Piper."

So, Jimin opted to choose the safe choice, the lesser of two evils as it were, and made a decision to ask Piper to marry him. Jimin had purchased an engagement ring for Piper almost a year ago now. He was just waiting for the right time to get on his knees and ask Piper the question that would change their lives forever. He had no clue as to what it was that he was looking for or waiting for, when he said he was waiting for the right time to ask Piper to marry him. He just knew that when he felt it, or saw it, it would be plain as the nose on his face and then, he would get on his knees and truly make Piper his woman.

However, for reasons unknown to him, the right time never came. He thought maybe their three-year anniversary getaway would be the ideal time to do pop the proverbial question. But for Jimin, that entire weekend was filled with nothing but you. He dreamt about you in his sleep and woke up with you on his mind. His mornings were spent wondering what you were up to and then he'd promptly imagine you engaged in some mundane activity and fantasized about doing them with you.

When the day turned from afternoon into evening, Jimin would think about being with you, being inside you. Inevitably, he would become so aroused by his thoughts of being with you that he would coax Piper into bed. As he buried himself in Piper, he had pretended that it was you that he was plunging into. One night, while Jimin was in bed and Piper had her mouth around his engorged staff, he closed his eyes and imagined that it was your mouth around him, and not his fiancé's. The thought of that made him cum so fast and hard that it took him by surprise.

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