Chapter 10

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While the two of you are waiting for your breakfast orders to arrive, you fill the time with talking about work and the two new clients that you met on Friday. Owen tells you that he is thinking about buying a house or land as investment and you ask, "Are you really making that much money? Jesus Christ, I clearly went into the wrong line of work."

Owen laughs and replies, "I just don't have a lot of expenses, and instead of keeping it sitting in the bank, I think I need to invest in something that will only go up in value."

"What about investing it in the 'market?'"

"I already am. But that's a lot of risk. I don't want to gamble with a huge chunk of change. So, I'm thinking, I'll start with buying a home, rent out the apartment and then look into commercial properties."

"You are one smart cookie."

"Thanks for noticing, Darlin. By the way, do not be alarmed, but the man with your V card just walked in here."

"What?!?! Are you kidding?"



"Oh, looks like he is joining a couple of other people that are already here."

"Owen, keep your goddamn head down."

"Well, looks like he found me." Owen waves and says, "Hey Tanner."

You immediately get up out of your seat and make a beeline to the lady's room. Owen sees you get up from the table and stepping away. He asks, "Woah hey, where are you running off to?"

You say nothing and keep walking. As you walk away from the table, you can hear Tanner say, "Hey Buddy. What's going on?" That's all you can hear before making your way inside the restroom.

At the table, Owen says hi to his college friend and now colleague, Tanner. Owen replies, "Not much. Just having some breakfast."

Tanner asks, "Who's the girl that just got up from the table? Is that your girl?"

Owen replies, "No, no. A friend."

Tanner asks, "Was she alright? Looked like she was in a hurry."

Owen laughs and says, "Yea. She was. I told her that I saw you walking in here."

Tanner appears confused, then a smile of understanding spreads across his face. He says, "How is she?"

"She is a giant pain in my ass but doing well for herself. She is a full-fledged attorney now."

"Good for her."

"So, are you here alone?"

"No, I'm meeting my brothers for breakfast."

"Sounds great."

"Well, if and when she comes back, tell her I said hi. Give her my number, will you? Tell her to give me a call."

"Will do. See you Monday."

When Tanner walks away, Owen waits for you to return. When you don't, he texts you.

Darlin, you can come out of hiding now.
Tanner is gone.

About thirty seconds after receiving Owen's text, you slink back from the restroom and sit back down. You say, "I am going to kick your fucking ass for saying anything to that boy!"

Owen laughs and says, "He asked me to say hi to you and also to give you his number and to ask you to give him a call."

Suddenly perking up, you put your hair behind your ear and say, "Oh, did he, now? Well, then give it!"

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