Chapter 33

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After spending most of Saturday and the entire Sunday in bed, Piper couldn't stand it anymore. She wanted answers. So, on Monday morning, she got herself out of bed, got dressed and went to see her ex-fiancé. Piper wanted to figure out exactly what happened that he decided to, not only call off the engagement, but to end an almost four-year relationship.

When Piper finally faced him, she asked Jimin why he had proposed to her in the first place if he was going to break off the whole thing only two weeks after. But the answer that she got from him was more of the same.

To Piper's why, Jimin replied, "You've been a great partner, but I can't see the long-haul future with us. I should have had this conversation with you over a year ago. The only reason why I didn't was because you've never caused me any trouble or grief. You were the easy and affable choice, and instead of ending things with you and facing the dating world again, I decided to stay put and ride it out with you as long as I could. However, in the process of riding it out, I realized that I wanted more from a relationship than someone that wouldn't upset the apple cart."

And to Piper's question about why he had proposed to her if he didn't think they would work out in the end, Jimin answered, "I wanted to do the next expected thing. You have been nothing but patient and understanding. I thought your time and dedication to me warranted a marriage proposal. But Sweetheart, marriage shouldn't be a reward for good behavior. I haven't been in love with you for a while now and I've been phoning it in for the last year and change. I am certain that if I went through with the wedding, you and I would have ended up divorcing a few years down the line. I can guarantee that things would have been messier and would have negatively affected more people. I really needed to be honest with myself. I want more from a relationship than simply to be comfortable. I want more than a partner that is agreeable and congenial.

Listen, when was the last time you and I had an argument, a heated discussion, any kind of disagreement? Exactly, I can't remember either. I want something more, a deeper connection, something marrow deep. I'm sorry if I'm not making much sense. I just wasn't prepared to have this conversation with you this morning. Piper, you deserve more too. I am truly sorry for stringing you along for so long and doing this the way I did. I'm a fucking asshole for that. I wish there was something I could do to lessen the pain you are in. When I say I love you, I do. I care about you tremendously. I hope you can believe me when I say, I tried to find the least painful way to do this, but no matter which way I tried slicing it, it wasn't going to be easy.

I want you to know that I am grateful for the time you and I had together. We had some really great times. But now, I need to move on. I want fire, passion, as well as stability, commitment, affability, and kindness. I know it is painful now, but when you look back later on, you are going to see that this was the right decision. Piper, sweetheart. I'm really sorry." Then Jimin said to Piper that he had to run, that he was due in court in an hour and walked away from her.

Piper really believed that when she had the "why" questions answered, she would feel better, but even with him answering her questions, all she felt was pain and longing. Piper truly loved having Jimin as her boyfriend, and albeit briefly, as her fiancé. She knew for a fact that her girlfriends were jealous of her for having someone like him to call her own. Piper had overheard and even witnessed some of them talking behind her back, saying they can't understand how she was able to 'catch' a man like Jimin. Intelligent, great career, financially secure, face like an angel, body that looks like it was chiseled from marble, and sweet and kind to boot.

When Piper started dating Jimin, he was seeing three other women, all casually. What was included in these relationships were some companionship, a metric shit ton of sex, and some laughs. When she first started dating Jimin, he made it very clear to Piper, the situation that he had going on in his dating life, so Piper knew exactly what she was signing up for. Of course, the situation was not ideal. But she wanted Jimin more than anything. So, she made that sacrifice and decided to start something casual with him.

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