Chapter 25

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Jimin arrives at his Brownstone apartment around 6:30 PM. He walks up to the penthouse apartment with his luggage. The entire third floor of this brownstone belongs to him. When he had initially purchased the place, there were two apartments on the third floor. But wanting more space than what one apartment would afford him, he decided to buy both and turned it into a single large apartment. What he wanted was to have the space of a single-family home in the suburbs, but still be able to live in the city. His family couldn't understand why he would do something like this. His parents told him, "Jimin, you can buy two full size homes in the suburbs with the money you are spending on this apartment. I just don't understand you." Of course, they didn't understand him. He didn't want to live a predictable life. He didn't want to go into the district attorney's office, and he didn't want to live in the suburbs with a wife and 2.5 children all cordoned off by a white picket fence. So, the gigantic apartment in the city and becoming a defense attorney were his own brand of rebelling against his parents and their expectations of him.

When Jimin unlocks his apartment door, he expects the place to be pitch black, with no lights on, which is how he had left it before he made his way to the conference earlier this week. But when he unlocks the door and walks into his apartment, he sees all the lights on and soft music coming from inside. Jimin thinks, "Oh, what the hell is this? I just wanted to be alone. Damnit."

Hearing the door open and close, Piper peeks her head out of Jimin's kitchen and says, "Hi Baby, welcome home! I missed you so much." Wiping her wet hands on the apron she is wearing, Piper runs to Jimin and wraps her arms around his neck as she plants a long kiss. Jimin, with his one hand still on the handle of his luggage, embraces Piper back with his free hand. When she pulls away from the kiss, Jimin says, "Hi Sweetheart. What's going on in here?" He tries and succeeds in masking his disappointment at having to tend with another human being when the only thing he wants to do is to be alone.

Piper replies, "Babe, I wanted you to come home to a home cooked meal. It is almost ready. It'll be another ten minutes. So, why don't you go take a load off and I'll come find you when everything is done." Then Piper kisses Jimin again, but this time, the kiss communicates so much need and desire that Jimin knows exactly what Piper is looking for tonight. Prematurely breaking away from the kiss, Jimin says, "This is amazing, Sweetheart. Thank you. You didn't have to go to all this trouble."

"This was no trouble. I know traveling is never easy or comfortable, so I wanted to make sure that when you got home, you had something warm and homemade waiting for you. I made your favorite dinner."

"Do you think there is time for me to get in a shower?"

"Yes, of course. Whatever you need. God... I missed you so much. I'm so glad you are home. I love you, Handsome."

"I love you too, Piper. I'll be right out. I just need to wash the day off of me."

Piper reluctantly let's go of Jimin as he wheels his suitcase into his bedroom. When he gets into the room, he closes the bedroom doors behind him and plops down on his bed. Jimin feels beyond exhausted and the anxiety he feels about what he promised he'd do is making things almost unbearable. He gives himself another minute to lie on his bed before he gets up and gets in the shower.

As the water beats down on him, he thinks, "How am I going to do this? Why did I do this to myself? Fuck!" Then a flash of the memory of you straddling him, completely bare, shakes up to the surface of Jimin's mind. He tries to remember the feel of your nipples in his mouth and the wetness he felt between your folds. The small whimpers that you let out as he had his mouth and hands on your body makes his flesh come alive. The level of frustration over not being able to plunge into your depth makes his skin feel tight around his body.

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