Chapter 18

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When the two of you arrive at the airport, the driver gets the luggage out of the trunk. You thank the man and grab yours. You tell Jimin that you are going to check your suitcase and he says, "Me too. Wait for me." Jimin speaks to the driver for a minute and then grabs his own suitcase and follows after you. The airport is bustling with people traveling for work. Once the bags are checked, the two of you go through security and then to the terminal.

When the two of you are at the gate, forty-five minutes early, Jimin asks, "Do you want to grab a drink while we wait?"


You follow Jimin and enter a bar/restaurant near your departure terminal. You and Jimin opt to sit at the bar. You order an India IPA and Jimin says, "Make that two please."

He swivels on his stool, turns to you, and says, "I hope you find the conference to your liking."

"I'm sure it will be. This one is my first, so I am going in with zero expectations. I want to thank you for choosing me to go with you. I know there are plenty of other associates that would have loved the opportunity to attend."

"The pleasure is all mine, I'm sure."

Not entirely sure what to talk about, you look around the airport bar trying to find something to focus your attention on. When your eyes fail to find something interesting, your attention comes back to your traveling companion, who is staring at you intently. Not expecting him to be looking at you, you say, "Sorry. I was just looking around."

"No need to apologize. You are allowed."

"Why are you staring at me?"

"I'm not sure."

"Aha... I see."

You start to tap your fingertips on the bar, but after a handful of tapping iterations, Jimin puts his cool hand over your fidgeting one. Looking down at his hand on top of yours, you look back at him. His face appears to be serene and unbothered, then he asks, "Are you nervous?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"Your attention seems to be all over the place and now your fingers drumming on the bar..."

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to find something to talk about."

"We can sit in silence. I'm okay with that."

"Oh... well, alright then. Actually, where are you and your friends going for dinner the two nights?"

"Why? Want to come along?"

"No. I'm just curious."

"Couple of them practice in southern California, so they were the ones to set everything up. I have no clue really."

"I see.... I'm sure you'll have a good time."

"I'm still kind of worried that you'll be all alone."

"I won't be. Owen and I will facetime, and he'll keep me company for an hour or so. And I brought books with me. I need to catch up on my reading anyway. You forget, I was a foster kid. I know how to entertain myself for hours alone. No attention paid to me usually meant safety, so I really don't mind. Don't pay me any mind. Only thing I ask is that you come get me before you leave for the airport."

Jimin chuckles and says, "What? Worried I would forget and leave you behind?"

"Just trying to cross my Ts and dot my Is."


The bartender brings your drinks. You take a sip of your beer and watch the news that's on one of the TVs over the bar. You can feel Jimin's eyes on you. So, you ask, "Yes?"

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