Chapter 4

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When you wake up Saturday morning, you feel rested and all the nervous energy that you were experiencing the night before, has dissipated completely. You get out of bed and give yourself a long and luxurious stretch. In your tank top and underwear, you walk into your kitchen to get coffee started. As you walk back into the bedroom and into your bathroom, you hear your doorbell ring. Knowing exactly who is at the door, you squeeze out a bit of toothpaste onto your toothbrush and walk to your front door. You open your front door in your underwear, tank top and no bra with the toothbrush hanging out of your mouth. You say, "Good morning, come on in. Let me just finish cleaning myself up. I have coffee going already. Help yourself."

Owen watches you walk away in your underwear, one cheek hanging out, and your hair piled up atop your head, giving yourself another big stretch. Seeing you this way, Owen cannot help but laugh. He thinks, "I miss her walking around my apartment like that. This woman is going to be the end of me."

When you reemerge from your bedroom, you are still in your tank top and underwear, but your face looks washed, and hair looks combed. Owen says, "You know Darlin, you really shouldn't open the door dressed like that. What if, it wasn't me standing there?"

"Owen, you are literally the only human being that knows where I live. Not even my credit card companies know where I live. I don't think anyone is coming to my front door."

Owen tries his very best not to gawk at your hardened nipples that are poking through the ribbed fabric of your tank top. He plays with the idea of putting one of them in his mouth and suckling on it. Then he quickly discharges those thoughts out of his mind and says, "Get dressed Darlin. Let's go out for breakfast."

You say, "Um... hello?!?! Hug first!"

Shaking his head, he says, "Oh... alright. Get your ass over here." Owen proceeds to wrap his arms around your waist and hoist you off your feet for an embrace. He is painfully aware of your feminine heat which is only a thin fabric away from his own skin. When you told him last night about the old crush you had on him in college, it seems to have shaken something loose in him. He felt all his senses turn on after your conversation last evening. He could hardly sleep. And now, to see you this way.... All he can think about is seeing you with nothing on and him burying himself in you to the hilt.

You wrap your arms around his neck and let him swing you around, while you giggle contentedly. Owen's head is squished against your breasts, and he can feel one of your nipples pressing up against the corner of his lips. Unable to hold himself back, he flicks his tongue around it and bites it lightly over your tank top, then hears you yelp in surprise. When he puts you down, he is laughing and you say, "Owen! You are fresh this morning. What has gotten into you?"

Then he says, "If you don't want it bitten, then don't put it near my mouth." Owen smiles down at you, which makes your cheeks feel warm and color bright pink. Owen adds, "Would you look at those cheeks glowing."

When you slap and kick at him, laughing, he ducks out of the way. Owen asks, "Have I ever kissed you before?"


"C'mere. Let me try."

"What is this, Owen? Have you gone mad?"

"Come on, it's one kiss. I missed you Darlin."

You wrap your arms around his neck one more time and give him a peck on his lips. Owen says, "Looks like you didn't miss me at all."

"What do you want? Want me to run at you with my mouth wide open?"

Then Owen says under his breath, "Now you are getting the idea." He grabs a handful of your hair at the back of your head and tilts your face up towards him as he descends on your mouth with his. When you feel his tongue in your mouth, your eyes fly open in shock. But when he doesn't stop, you give yourself a small moment to indulge in it. When he finally pulls away from you, you let out a small whimper that goes straight to Owen's center. Releasing you, he says, "Wow. Okay then. Let's go get some breakfast."

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