Chapter 7

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After leaving Jimin's office, you make a beeline for yours. You grab your purse and head out of your office. When you are at your car, you call Owen. When he picks up the phone, you say, "I'm coming over now. Is that okay?"

"Yes, fucking hurry."

"Owen, I need you to fuck me really hard. Okay?"

"Fuck... what's gotten into you? Yes. Absolutely, get yourself here and I'll make sure you are ridden hard and put away wet."

"I'll be there in ten."

You hang up the phone and head for Owen's place.

When you get to his building, you are needier than ever. You are so wet that you can feel your wetness coming through your pants, leaving a small wet spot on the crotch of your trousers. The elevator ride up to Owen's apartment is the longest of your life. You literally run to his apartment door and bang on it.

Immediately, the door opens up and a hand grabs you and pulls you in. The door slams behind you and when you turn around, Owen is stark naked, and you register a level of aggression that you've never seen in him before. He says, "Take your motherfucking clothes off and bend over." You do as you are told, and without warning, Owen lines his stiff phallus to your entrance and thrusts in so hard that you lurch forward and take a couple of steps.

Owen chuckles and says, "You keep running away from me, Darlin. There is no place you can go to hide from my cock. Get your fucking ass back here."

With every thrust, he pushes you forward. Frustrated, he says, "Stand up." When you do, he lifts your right leg, opening up your wet heat to him. Then he says, "This is going to be fun."

He ruts into you over and over again, grunting loudly every time. The longer he hammers into you, shakier and weaker your standing leg becomes. When Owen feels your leg buckle, he picks you up off the floor, but doesn't stop the barrage. Except now, every time he thrusts up, he slams your body down and onto his cock, hard, making you scream. You cry, "Owen, oh God, that hurts. You are going to break me in two."

Laughing to himself, he mumbles, "Yes. I'd imagine it would fucking hurt, but you're going to take it, Darlin. You. Are. Going to. Fucking. Take it!"

Owen continues to rut into you as hard as he can and says, "Goddamn girl, you feel so fucking good and look how wet your pussy is. What has gotten into you tonight? Ahh... I'm going to fucking cum."

He suddenly pulls out of you and says, "Get on your fucking knees." When he releases you from his grasp, you drop to your knees. Owen steps in front of you. Grabbing a hold of your cheeks with his left hand, just like Jimin did earlier, he says, "Open your mouth."

With your mouth wide open, he sticks his large cock into your mouth, covered in your own arousal, and says, "Suck."

The last two of Owen's instructions bring back the interaction you had with Jimin, less than an hour ago, and you feel drunk with need.

Within five minutes of sucking on Owen's length, he puts his hands on either side of your face and starts to pump in and out of your mouth hard and fast, making you gag and retch. Owen says, "Fuck, I love that wet sound you are making while choking on my dick. Let me hear it again." He thrusts his cock so hard and so far into your mouth that you are sure the head of his cock has bruised the back of your throat. As you do, you let out a gagging and retching sound so loud that it pushes him over the edge. He shouts, "Fuck Darlin, I'm coming." In the next ten seconds, Owen shoots his seed into your mouth over and over again, and down your gullet while cursing and screaming for God. You continue to suck his spent cock until he says, "Enough, girl. Enough."

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