Chapter 20

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When you wake up Thursday morning, the clock reads 5:30 AM. Your body is clearly still on EST, and you think, "I'm going back to sleep." The perk of being in California is that you get to sleep in. You do doze back off, but only for another hour or so. You decide to get up at 6:45 AM and start to get ready for the day's schedule. You have two CLE courses this morning, and one this afternoon. You are planning to spend the down time exploring the city a bit. You are going to text James and if he is available, you want to have him drop you off somewhere in LA and for you to walk around and sightsee. "Maybe I'll get to spot a celebrity."

After your morning hygiene routine, you decide to text Owen.

Good morning, Handsome!
How are you today?

I miss you so much.
The little guy misses you even more.
He is really pissed at me.

Oh brother...
So, I would like to have a little facetime with you later today.
It would be evening time for you and early afternoon for me.
Can we put something on the books?
I have so much I need to talk to you about.
You should have taken some time off and come out here with me.
Keep me company.

You would have missed the entire conference if I had been there with you.

What do you mean?

I would have had you tied to the bed and would have fucked you around the clock whenever the fuck I felt like it.
You would have been my sex slave.
Oh... I really like the sound of that.

Owen... I would like you to rein it in.
You are not going to put me in a 4-point restraint and fuck me whenever you want.

If you really truly loved me, you would let me do that to you.

I oughtta...
Can you stop with the sex talk?
You are making my vagina do involuntary kegels.
If you were here, we could have ordered one of those adult movies off of spectra vision and tried to follow along with what they were doing.

Baby girl,
I'm going to be right back.
I just need 5 minutes.
Don't go anywhere.

Where are you going?

He disappears for several minutes, and you wonder what your best friend is up to, exactly. You open up one of the bottles of water and take a big swig of it when you hear your phone on the bed chirp. You pick up the phone and see that Owen has returned from wherever it was that he had gone to. When you open the text what you see is a picture of a penis that you are quite familiar with at this point. You say to yourself, "This adorable moron sent me a dick pic at 6:30 in the morning." You guffaw and shake your head. You see an incoming message from Owen.

I needed to take care of that.
I can't walk around with a giant hard-on at work all day.

Isn't there some pretty young thing that you could have donated that too?

Now, why would I do a thing like that?
I'm going to save it all for you.
And on Sunday night, I am going to fuck you in the car in the airport parking lot.
And then you are going to suck my dick on the drive back home.
And then, when we get home, I am going to fuck your ass.
And then, I'm going to eat your pussy.
And then, I'll fuck you again and again and again.
Oh, and I got us concert tickets.
I am going to fulfill my all-time favorite fantasy of fucking you at a concert.
I'm going to empty my balls into your womb.
Get you fucking pregnant.

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