Chapter 37

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When you wake up Friday morning, the unadulterated feeling of giddiness for the upcoming weekend with Jimin is all-consuming. You pack yourself an overnight bag and toss it into the back of your car. Before you get into your beloved Melon ball, you survey the damage it took from the first time you met the man for whom you are head over heels. Then you think, "Life works so strangely. I thought I would never see that man again, never mind feel this kind of excitement over spending the weekend with him." With a sensation of warmth radiating out from your center, you get in your car and make the drive to work.

You have several meetings this morning, and a deposition of witnesses downtown in the afternoon that will take up most of the rest of your workday. Not wanting to delay, as soon as you get to work, you get your day started. You are unsure of what Jimin's work schedule looks like today and think about texting him. But before you even open the message app, you receive a text message from Jimin.

Good morning
How did my sweet Kitten sleep last night?
I miss you terribly.
I cannot wait to see you, Sweetheart.

Good morning.
I was just about to text you.
I slept okay.
How about you?

I wished the entire night that you were with me.
Next to me and in my arms.
So, what is your schedule for today?

I have a few meetings this morning and I'm going to depose witnesses for one of my cases downtown this afternoon.
That should take up the rest of the workday.

When do you think you'll be back in the office?

Around 5:30 ish.

I'll come by and collect you at 5:30.
And our first weekend together will officially begin.
I can't wait to have you all to myself.

That works for me.
I'm really excited too.

Kitten, you are going to be screaming all weekend.

That sounds like a threat.

No, that's a guarantee.
Fuck... I'm getting hard.
Okay, I'll get you at 5:30.

Jesus Christ... Jimin.
Oh, I better run, I have my first meeting happening now.
See you later.

Later, my Sweet Kitten.
You be a good girl for me.


Your morning meetings are productive and at 1:30 PM, you head to the site of the witness deposition downtown which is scheduled to start at 2:00 PM. The entire deposition process takes about three hours, and you arrive back at your office at 5:20. Once you arrive back at your office, you do a quick check for phone messages and return a couple of urgent emails. At exactly 5:30 PM, you get a knock on your door. Knowing exactly who is at your door, you say, "Come on in, it's open."

You look up from your work to feast your eyes on the man, of whom you cannot seem to get enough. But this evening, something is different about this man. He is giving off an air of dangerousness, aggression, and determination. You aren't sure what it is that you are registering subconsciously, but when your eyes take him in, your first instinct is to roll your office chair back a bit, so that you can keep your distance from him. When he walks up to your desk, he puts on a smile and says, "Are you ready to go, Kitten?"

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