Chapter 8

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By the time you get to Owen's place, it is 5:45 PM. You ring the doorbell and wait for your best friend to open the door, so that you can spill everything that happened today and get his feedback. When your ringing goes unanswered, you ring the doorbell again and start knocking.

That's when you hear a voice coming from behind you, saying, "Darlin, you sure seem pretty desperate to get into that apartment. You must really miss whoever lives there."

Startled, you let out a small yelp and turn around to see your best friend in his work attire, walking towards you. His tie is halfway undone, and his suit jacket is draped over his forearm. Seeing Owen with his messenger bag slung across his body, which accentuates his muscular chest and washboard flat stomach, and his crisp white shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbow, inadvertently showing off his veiny forearms, you think, "I can't believe I've forgotten how handsome this boy looks in a suit."

You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his waist and squeeze. Owen is almost a whole foot taller than you are and when you are this close to him, he absolutely towers over you. He puts his chin atop your head and wraps you up in his arms, effectively burying your head in his chest.

Mumbling against his firm pecs, you say, "You are squishing my head. I can't breathe." Laughing, Owen finally releases you from his arms and says, "You are so fucking cute."

You reply, "Yea, yea. It's not easy being me."

Owen says, "You still have keys to my place, don't you? Why don't you use it? Why must I always come to the door to get you?"

You reply, "Because, Numb nuts, I don't live here anymore."

"By the way, I hate living alone. HATE!"

"Maybe, it's time for you to get a steady girlfriend. I bet there are droves of girls just hoping for a chance to get at you."

"Well, obviously," says Owen, as he rolls his eyes and opens the door to his place.

As you follow Owen into the apartment, you say, "Then get one of them to go steady with you. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to keep you company and fuck you until you scream 'Uncle.'"

"What are you, like two hundred years old? 'Go steady' and 'scream Uncle?' Oh, and shut up, I don't need dating advice from anyone. I do just fine in that department."

"Okay, alright. No need to bite my head off."

"You can just move back in here. That's something you can do. Why are you wasting money on rent when you can just live here and save your money? Maybe buy the apartment right next to mine so we can be neighbors."

"Can you imagine? That would be pretty awesome."

"Yes! I know. So, just break the lease and move back in. I am willing to sweeten the pot by paying the fee for breaking the lease. You can't possibly like living in that huge house all by yourself. You don't even have enough furniture to fill the place. I still have no clue why you decided to rent that big ass house. Doesn't it get spooky at night being all on your own?"

"Well, I wasn't. Until now!"

"Just come back here and live with me. It was like a non-stop sleepover. And now that we are also having sexy time, it really would be one stop shopping for you. C'mon, Darlin, please. I'm begging you."

"Foster independence young man. You need to have a life of your own. I've been cramping your style for too long."

"It's like you never cared about me. Not even a little."

"You little manipulative bunghole."

Owen laughs aloud and says, "I'm serious. You wouldn't have to pay rent; well, you can pay it in other ways."

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