Chapter 15

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While Tanner is driving, you decide to pull out your phone and check for messages. You say, "I hope you don't mind. I just want to see if I have any messages."

"Go right ahead."

You know that Owen had texted you earlier and wanted to make sure that it wasn't anything emergent or urgent.

How dare you abandon me for that charlatan?
Darlin, I am so bored.
Is the date almost over?
Can you come over after?
You know, I am sitting in my apartment, all by my lonesome. 
I am looking pretty sad and pitiful right now.

I thought you were going to see if that girl in your building would entertain you.
Are you seriously sitting at home on a Friday night alone?

I am!
I wouldn't be if you were here keeping your best friend company, instead of being out with Mr. V card.
I need your company so much more than he does.
Not to mention my dick.
He is fucking beside himself; he is definitely not happy with you.
He thought he was going to see you today and when I told him he wasn't, he called me a useless bag of meat and yelled at me for not making you come over.
He is now up, and hell bent on punishing me.

You need to rein him in.
You are the one with the opposable thumbs.
"Useless bag of meat?"
You are killing me.
So, is he all dressed up and nowhere to go, so to speak?

How much longer will you be with the dud?
I really need you to come over after.

Listen, you goofball.
I am not going to make my date drop me off at another man's house at the end of it.
You, sir, are just going to have to wait until tomorrow.

Can you at least text me when you get in?

That, I can do.
I actually need to talk to you about something anyway.
Just not now.
Until then, find something productive to do, my love.

You are NOT allowed to fuck that kid.
Do you hear me?
Not allowed.
I have a feeling he has already tried to dry hump you.
Fuck, that thought is beyond upsetting.
Do not fuck that imbecile.
And if you do, I'll know, so don't even think about fucking him and trying to lie about it.

We just got to Tanner's place.
I'll text you when I get home.

Did you not see a word I typed?
Why the fuck are you at his place?
That's it.
You are going to get it, Missy.
You better text me when you get home.

I swear, I will not let Tanner fuck me.
I promise.
Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.
You nut!
I'll talk to you later.

Tanner looks over at you and says, "Let me guess. It's your buddy texting you?"

You laugh and reply, "Yes. He needs a hobby. And a lot of love and attention."

"What's he saying?"

"Telling me that he is bored. To text him when I get home. I get it though. I feel like that when I'm home alone sometimes. Not once in my life had I had the opportunity to live in a house alone. So, when things get too quiet, I do miss having his company."

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