Chapter 47

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The weatherman on the news this morning, forecasted heavy snow and as predicted, the streets are covered in a light blanket of snow and the snowflakes seem to become fatter and heavier as the day grows older. The store fronts lining the main thoroughfare of the city is decorated with holiday themed displays and announces holiday sales. The sky is gray and all throughout the city, there is a familiar sense of quiet and stillness that can be felt when it is snowing. Even though it is quite cold outside, the unmistakable coziness on a snow day gives off a general sense of contentment.

All the parking meters that are lining the streets of the main thoroughfare are covered in red faux leather sleeves and the white writing on the said sleeves read, "Happy Holidays and Enjoy the Free Parking while you shop." One of these parking spots in front of a local artisan coffee shop is empty, and a small coral-pink car with some damage to its' front fender pulls into it and comes to a stop. The car's engine turns off, and a woman in a thick quilted white parka gets out of the car. The young woman is bundled up and the only thing you can see on her are her eyes and some of her cheeks, which are red from the cold.

Feeling chilled to the bone, she decides to walk into the coffee shop to grab a cup of joe and sit by the window to watch people as they walk by. People-watching has always been one of her favorite pastime activities and as soon as she enters the coffee shop, the woman immediately scopes out a comfortable looking wingback chair, upholstered in Turquoise-blue velvet, right by the coffee shop's front window; a prime people-watching spot, and sits down. Layer by layer, she removes her winter weather gear and gets comfortable. As she unravels a long scarf from around her neck, a barista approaches her with a round tray tucked under his arm and an order pad with a pen in his hand. He says, "Hi, what can I get for you this snowy Saturday?"

The young woman replies, "May I have the biggest cappuccino you are willing to sell to the public please?"

The young barista smiles down at the woman and says, "Yes. I will see if I can get something in a Big Gulp size mug for you."

"Ahhh... yes. That would be perfect. Thank you."

When the barista walks away, the woman proceeds to peel off the last outer layer of winter gear and sets it aside. And with that, the woman transforms from something that may have been mistaken for an abominable snow creature to an actual woman. She is dressed all in black. Black V-neck sweater, black jeans and black winter boots that lace up all the way to her knees. She has two pieces of jewelry on. One is an oddly shaped pale pink gemstone, mounted on a silver flat bezel setting, and worn on a long silver chain around her neck. The other is a ring with a matching gemstone, most likely the other half of the stone she is wearing around her neck, mounted on a silver prong setting. The said ring sits on the index finger of her left hand. Both baubles are quite eye catching. If you asked her, she would tell you that she never takes off the ring on her finger and that the necklace makes frequent appearances.

As she watches the snow fall and the people that are out and about town, all of them going somewhere, alone or with others, she thinks about the year she has had. The year was filled with new beginnings, endings, new friendships and new lovers, a heart break, a whole bunch of new opportunities, and self-discovery, both about the past and the present. She thinks, "What a tempestuous year it has been. Tempestuous, but fortuitous as well." And wonders, "Can a person chance upon a tempest, survive the raging storm and still come out on the other side whole? I guess only time will tell."

Every time someone enters the coffee shop, and the door swings open, she can feel a quick draft of cold air, but nothing that would bother her sense of coziness. The woman mumbles to herself, "Doesn't look like the snow is going to stop any time soon," and lets out a contented sigh.

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