Back To Hogwarts

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Harry saw Cedric on the train to Hogwarts, he was talking to some black-haired guy. He didn't know who he was but recognized him to be a 6th year Ravenclaw. Noticing they were holding hands; he couldn't help but blush. He started to wonder what it would like to have someone you like to hold your hand, cuddle up to you when it's cold, hug you and kiss you. Oh, how he wants to be loved by a guy just like Cedric and that guy.

Ron startled Harry as he entered the compartment and sat beside him, making Harry jump out of his thoughts. Ron looked towards where Cedric and the boy was, "Bloody hell!" He was looking at the older boys with a shocked expression. "Is that Cedric, holding hands with another bloke?"

Hermione was petting Crookshanks in her lap as she read one of her schoolbooks: 'Standard Book of Spells Grade 4'.

"Yes, Ron," Harry said slowly as he just couldn't be bothered to give him an explanation of what they're seeing. All he knows is that it's called love. He couldn't tell Ron about his sexuality just yet as well, not until he was ready. He just didn't want to feel worse about himself. This was probably why Fred and George never let their sexuality be known.

He stopped Ron from saying anything more about Cedric and homosexuality in case he said something that would stop himself from telling Ron about his own sexuality and would think critically on himself. He's lost trust in a lot of people now. Even his own best friends. Trust is just a thing of the past.

Harry looked back up at the two older males. As if Cedric knew Harry had been staring, he gestured Harry to come over. At least it is nice to know that people want to talk to him. Well, Cedric wants to talk to him.

"Be right back..." Harry whispered silently to Ron. He got up and left their compartment, walked over to the two 6th year students seated in their seats on the train.

Cedric smiled as Harry walked up to them. "Hello, Harry. I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Joshua. Joshua this is Harry."

Joshua glanced up at Harry's forehead and smiled, holding out his hand for Harry to shake. He didn't care about Harry's title. A title is a title and means nothing after all. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Harry."

"Likewise," Harry said with his famous fake smile, shaking hands with the boy. All he could think these two blokes would want to hear was about the Ministry, so he informed them of the trouble Mr Weasley had to help out with. "Mr Weasley's having some trouble at the ministry so he had to leave early, if you're wondering."

"Oh," Cedric said, furrowing his eyebrows. Sometimes the Ministry concerned him with everything that goes on there. "I hope he'll fix whatever happened there."

Joshua nodded in agreement with him. The Ministry is a tough place full of secrets and lies. "Speaking of the ministry, I was thinking of becoming an Auror after I graduate."

Cedric looked at Josh with an affectionate smile, and his eyes gleamed. "That's a wonderful idea, Josh. I'm sure you'll be an amazing Auror!"

Harry gave the boys in front of him the biggest fake smile he could make. He didn't want to stay here for long as these two obviously want their alone time. He wished he had someone to spend hours and hours of alone time with. Hopefully, his forced smile was enough to make them not worry about him because why would they worry? He's just a burden to this Earth. "Perhaps I'll see you out in the field someday, Joshua. I was thinking of becoming an Auror too." The dream to become an Auror was fading away. He just doesn't see himself as an older man with a job. He doesn't see himself at all.

Joshua kissed Cedric on the cheek for the compliment and looked back to Harry. "Why, that's splendid!" He smiled at the younger boy. "I'll be looking forwards to seeing you ready for the test after your graduation."

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