A Quidditch Problem and Christmas Troubles.

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The exhilaration that Harry felt after the meeting at the Hog's Head disappeared when word spread of Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four. Hermione, Ron, and he debated hotly whether or not to try and hold the meetings. It was only when Dobby told him about the Room of Requirement that he realised that maybe it would be possible. He was willing to risk.

And in the early morning of Wednesday, after they had breakfast, they were down in the Library's secret room with the fireplace covering the room in warm comfort, but they also had a nice fluffy green blanket that Draco stole from the Slytherin dormitory. Harry laughed at how much of a badass Draco can be at times.

"So, our first official group meeting is in two days," said Harry with a smile as he watched the dancing flames in the fireplace. He was cuddled up to Draco on the midnight blue couch.

"Oh, but are you sure you want to risk it?" Draco asked hesitantly. He could already see Harry getting expelled by getting caught somehow but he blinked that sad thought away. Where would Harry go if he were expelled though? Would he get transferred to the American school of witchcraft and wizardry or perhaps the Australian one? He hoped the Australian one as the manor they have down there in Peppermint Grove is closest to the Australian School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Shazzabeer.) It's quite a funny name. Shazzabeer... Why do they have beer in the name?

"You're the one who said I should do it," Harry said softly, he could feel Draco nudging his nose in the crook of his neck. It gave him little pleasurable tingles.

"Yes, but that was until Umbridge banned all clubs in Hogwarts," Draco muttered with a frown. What if she catches you?" He remembered waking up to find a lot of Slytherin's surrounding the noticeboard in the Slytherin common room. It was a shame because of whoever found out about the group. Couldn't they just keep their traps shut? He would even join the group. Well, maybe he wouldn't as he doesn't want to be expelled. Merlin, what would his father do to him?

"We just have to make sure she doesn't catch us," Harry said simply. But the thought of being caught was utterly scary. What would he do if he was expelled? He'll possibly stay with Sirius or Narcissa, if she lets him. "That's where you come in. Are you patrolling tomorrow night?"

Draco nodded in Harry's neck. "Goyle and I are both supposed to be on watch tomorrow," he tells him, disliking the fact that he must play the part of Umbridge's team, but he must.

"Well, be sure to keep clear of the seventh floor, okay?" Harry asked earnestly. The seventh floor is where the apparent room is, but he doesn't exactly know where it is yet. Dobby hasn't told him it yet.

"Where are you going to meet?" Draco asked, and curiosity got the best of him. He wanted to know where Harry and his group will be hiding so he can make sure the Inquisitional Squad don't find the location and tip them off. Pansy and Blaise will keep it a secret, of course. But Crabbe and Goyle probably won't.

"A house-elf told me about a special room, it is supposed to transform into whatever kind of room you need," Harry explained it simply. He was excited to see this room which sounds impossibly real.

Draco's eyes lit up and he turned his head around to look up at Harry. "Whatever kind of room?" he asked, surprised and curious about the magic that Hogwarts really has beneath its walls. But he was thinking of all the rooms he could create for his and Harry's benefit. They were mainly just large bedrooms or lounge rooms with love sofas.

Harry laughed and lightly ran his fingers down Draco's spine, thinking of all the rather sexual rooms he can think of for sexual activities with Draco. "Mm-hmm." He could think of a few rather kinky rooms involving tying Draco up to things while he fucks him or the other way around. He wondered if the room can make Dildos appear. He's never masturbated with a dildo before and it sounds interesting. He's wanked in the shower before when thinking of Draco when he was alone up in Gryffindor Tower.

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