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Draco Malfoy was worried. Utterly worried. Harry had been looking much more depressed and duller for the last few days. It was more than how Harry would normally be, duller than he'd ever seen him. He didn't even think Ron and Hermione even saw the difference in Harry. Draco knew there were now two more days until the end of school and that Harry had to go back to those darn muggles for two weeks. Two weeks is still a long time, too long for someone who looks so dead to the world. He still had to give Harry his birthday present, even if his birthday is during the holidays but he didn't know if he'd even be able to see Harry at all.

Whenever Draco did talk to Harry, Harry would just be nodding sadly and replying numbly with 'Yeah' and 'I'm fine'. Draco didn't believe those words. Just by looking at Harry, he could tell how depressed he was. He's tried getting Harry to talk about anything that's bothering him, but Harry just keeps saying that he is fine and that there is nothing to talk about. The only way he can help Harry is if Harry lets him, but Harry's been ignoring everyone, even Ron and Hermione. Harry wouldn't pay attention in his classes, even if it was the last week of school and Professor Snape kept snapping at him which Draco knew only worsened Harry's state.

Draco kept staring at Harry during classes. In every class, Harry would stare at this one place in the classroom and nod off into his thoughts. As good as Draco was at multitasking, his main focus was on Harry. He didn't know how to help; he didn't even know if he should book an appointment for Harry because of the state he was in. He couldn't even sleep himself as he was too worried for Harry. He noticed how Harry never went to breakfast, Lunch or Dinner at all. He didn't even believe it when Harry said he went to the kitchens. He didn't need to even talk to Dobby as he saw the pain in Harry's eyes and that pain just tore at Draco's heart.

Draco found Harry walking alone to class and decided to catch up to him. It didn't take long as Harry was walking so slow. As soon as he was side by side with Harry, he intertwined their hands together. He watched as Harry looked up at him, those dull, dreary eyes staring back at him. He smiled down at Harry even though he was frowning from the inside. When he saw Harry give him a small smile which he didn't know was fake or not his smile grew so he kissed his cheek. No cute tinge of red on Harry's cheeks that he'd normally see.

Draco sighed and rubbed his thumb over Harry's lips, "I love you so much, Harry," he said, letting a tear fall down his face. "No matter what. I'll always love you. So please, if you ever need to talk to me about anything, I am here for you." He watched as Harry slightly nodded and he wished he could just look through this boy's mind and see what he's thinking so he could try to understand and help as much as he could. His heart fluttered and his cheeks blushed as Harry wiped the tear from his eye with his thumb and kissed his cheek. At least he knew Harry was still capable of showing and giving love, even if his demeanour was so damned numb and lifeless.

"I love you too, Draco. More than you'll know," Harry said tiredly, zoning out for a bit. "And I'm sorry for running off the other day."

Draco shook his head and cupped both of Harry's cheeks. "Don't worry about that, Harry. All that matters is how you feel. I understand you were mentally unstable then, and I'll support you every step of the way." He rubbed his thumbs over Harry's cheekbones and kissed him. He smiled as he felt Harry kiss back. He rests his forehead against Harry's and whispered, "We better get to class. We both know how angry Professor McGonagall gets when her students are late."

Harry gave a small forced smile. "Sure, let's go."

Draco smiled and walked with Harry to Transfiguration. He doesn't even know how Harry can get to classes on time when he walks so slow. He notices how Harry even somewhat glides away from him even if they're holding hands. And when he moves closer to Harry, Harry glides away again. When they entered the classroom, they took their normal seats together and Draco kept a close eye on Harry.

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