Promises and Truths

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Harry woke up feeling exhausted after waking up from another nightmare. He felt like his body had just run miles whilst he was sleeping. Usually, Harry always kept his curtains down, around him, as he slept. It had always felt safe to him like nothing could get him.

Harry noticed that Ron was sitting up in bed with his arms hugging his legs. He wished he could sleep like that, so peacefully. "Your awake," Ron said in a sleepy tone and rubbed at his eyes.

"Just woke up," Harry lied since he was up all night. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and feeling a familiar burning sensation from his left arm. He tried to ignore the pain, but it was too powerful. He felt numb, the good numb, the emotionless numb from his cuts. He sluggishly grabbed his glasses from the bedside table and put them on.

"So, did you put your name in the Goblet?" Ron asked critically, staring at Harry for an honest reply. All he wanted was honesty from his best mate and no silly bias.

"Nobody can get passed Dumbledore's age line, not unless they're 17 or older," Harry said tiredly and resting his head on his knees. He was tired of having to answer the same question repeatedly, especially if it was something he didn't do.

"Well, you've gotten past it. How?" Ron asked and looked back down at his bedsheets, not believing that his best mate could get past the age line, but he somehow did. He just wanted to find out how. Doesn't he know the Tournaments are blood dangerous? Even he wouldn't do such a thing unless he's old enough.

"I told you, I didn't put my name in that damn goblet!" Harry spat out to him but in a quiet voice, so he didn't wake the others. Now he was getting annoyed with his 'best mate'. He scratched at his arm, feeling the relief of the pain once again. "I was here all afternoon as I came back from dinner. So, please, come off it!"

Ron kept buggering Harry and asked him how he got passed Dumbledore's age line. Harry had enough of this, he got up, got dressed, and head down to Breakfast. He knew that people would stare at him if he went to breakfast like they always do, so he decided to skip and head straight to Divination. It was a fair distance away from Gryffindor Tower so he could easily get there in time.

As Harry entered through a corridor, he was so deep in thought that he didn't see the other person coming around the corner and accidentally bumped into that person. He thought he'd just bounce off the individual but no, he fell down onto the floor with the person underneath him. He took a sharp intake of breath as soon as he knew who that person was.

Those shining silver eyes staring right back at him, he could feel the boy's hot breath on his own face. Although, as Harry stared into those pools of silver, he couldn't help but see just the slightest hint of blue. It was the colour of the blue sky during the day, Harry's favourite shade of blue. He could feel his cheeks starting to redden as he just bumped into Draco Malfoy, his crush. The Slytherin's face is so close to his own, their noses slightly touching, he could just easily lean in and kiss him.

Harry's eyes trailed up to the blonde's perfect styled hair which he just wanted to touch again. His eyes then travelled down to the blonde's pink lips which looked very welcoming, soft, and warm. The sound of Draco clearing his throat made Harry snap out of the gaze he was in. He just realized that he was just checking out Draco Malfoy in front of him.

Harry looked back up into Draco's stunning silvery eyes again, and a flush crept up his face. "Sorry, Draco," he said, and he cleared his throat. This just couldn't be happening. He was supposed to be on his way to class and not bump into the hottest guy in school. Well, he knows others don't fawn over Draco like he does. Not even any girls.

Draco could feel his own cheeks redden at the sight of Harry Potter, who he knew was just checking him out. "No, I'm sorry," he said on a soft tone of voice, and he smiled at him. "I was rushing and wasn't looking where I was going."

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