A Family Christmas

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Harry woke up with a yawn. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at the beautiful sight lying next to him. His blond hair was tousled by sleep and Harry loved how it fell across his forehead. It was a very amazing Christmas gift, having his boyfriend lying naked next to him and still sleeping peacefully. He decided to wait until Draco woke up, so he rests his head back on the pillows and gazed at the handsome man lying next to him.

Eventually, Harry got bored of waiting, even though staring at Draco took away the boredom for a while. He leaned over and kissed the sleeping Draco on the lips. It took only a couple of seconds until soft lips kissed him back and he slowly smiled.

He brought his hands up to Draco's face and cupped his chin, he swung his leg over Draco's side and pushed him down, so he lay on top of him. Draco let out a soft "mmm" as he kissed Harry back sleepily. He ran his hands slowly down Harry's chest and down his stomach. "If you do that again, I'm afraid we'll have to shag once more."

Harry chuckled and ran his hands up to Draco's hair, pulling at the locks slightly. "Merry Christmas, Draco." He cannot believe it. It's nearly their first year anniversary. Just a few more days and he'll have to get Draco something.

"Merry Christmas, Harry," Draco responded with a tired smile. It was finally his first-ever Christmas with Harry but celebrating it as a couple. "Thank you for that Christmas gift."

Harry leaned down for another quick kiss; he feels quite... clingy this morning like he could stick to Draco for a long time. He will keep giving these little Christmas kisses all day. "You're welcome," he replies. "But, there's more."

"Mm? More? Surely you aren't going to let me shag you again, right?" Draco asked placidly with a smirk even though he would love to make love with Harry again. Or if Harry makes love to him.

Harry smiled and shook his head. He didn't want to lose any of his energy, even though it'd be worth it as he'd have Draco either in him or he'll be in Draco. Both are magnificent options though. "I could do that tonight, perhaps."

Draco grinned at the thought of having sex again. "I'd like that."

Harry rolled off Draco and sat up on the bed. He is excited to see what he would get for Christmas. Draco sat up too, stared deeply into shining emeralds, reached his hands back towards the end of his pillow and grabbed Harry's glasses. He slid Harry's glasses back on his nose and kissed him. Harry pushed Draco back down on the pillows with a smirk and hopped off the bed, leaving a disappointed blonde Slytherin lying on the bed who just wanted some love.

Harry laughed quietly and sighed happily as this couldn't be the most perfect Christmas he'd ever have. He knows he'd usually spend it with the Weasley's at the Burrow but being here at Malfoy manor was something he'll cherish for the rest of his life and hopefully, this won't be his last Christmas here. He headed around to the front of the bed and opened his trunk to grab his clothes and get dressed.

Draco just stared at his half-naked boyfriend as he sat up. He was just so happy that the butterflies helped Harry with his self-harming problem, but he knew Harry still had the urge, it was just so easy to see. Even before Harry was taken away from school after the vision, he could see the Gryffindor digging his nails into his palms and sometimes even his thighs. It was worrying, so very worrying but Draco knew Harry was the only one who could heal himself.

Draco got off the bed, silently crept up behind Harry, placed a kiss on the crook of the Gryffindor's neck and snaked his arms around his stomach from behind. Harry tilted his head backwards, looked up at his Slytherin boyfriend and smiled sweetly. The Slytherin was still naked, to his amusement.

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