The Burrow

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This chapter has a few parts to it. When I finished it, I realized it went over 100,000 words. He-He.
I knew it was juuuuuuust a little long for you all and I know how annoying it can get when reading a long chapter and it doesn't save or you forget where you got up to last. :,)
But this chapter's about 70,000 words. I know it's still a lot, but the next chapter will be shorter. Promise! :>
I hope you enjoy the chapter, though.

Harry didn't sleep at all that night after they got back from the Hogwarts express. He was too scared to. He didn't want to have another nightmare of Sirius falling through the veil at the bloody department of mysteries. But he was just so tired. He kept himself from nodding off into sleep by sitting up in bed and watching Draco sleep peacefully in his bed next to Ron's bedroom window.

Draco's such an adorable sleeper. Harry felt a little jealous actually. He knew that he could join the Slytherin in bed, but he just didn't want to wake him up. He sighed quietly and decided to just sit on the window seat of Ron's bedroom window.

It was a nice quiet night outside, as Harry could tell. Everything was asleep outside and inside besides the owls and the crickets. The sky was that nice shade of dark blue, a midnight blue. The stars were twinkling up in the night sky, they reminded him of Draco's silver eyes. And that's when he saw it. Sirius. He saw the Sirius the dog star up in the sky. He frowned. The grief of his godfather washed over him. Sirius should be here at the Burrow with him and Draco.

He knew what he needed, what he was urged to do. Cut himself. But what if Draco or Ron wake up and see his empty bed? He knows they'll wonder where he went and go find him. There aren't any places to go to cut unless the bathroom but that's just too obvious.

Harry blinked his eyes, willing away the burning feeling behind his eyes. He didn't want to cry. He cried so much this year that it was amazing he still had tears left to shed. Why couldn't he have just one day free of pain and grief? What was wrong with him? Why is there always that dark cloud hanging over him, reminding him of Sirius? Of the pain, everything, even the past..., Why can't I just be a normal kid?

And while Harry was thinking deeply about Sirius, Draco slowly woke up as he was just so worried about his best friend right now, but also about Harry and the loss of his Godfather, and his Uncle. He dearly misses Sirius; he was the light of the party. With a small yawn, he turned his head to look at Harry's bed. It was empty. He began to panic, but as he heard a little thud next to him, he turned his head to look at the window and sighed in relief as he saw Harry with his head against the window seat's wall and looking up into the sky. He knew now what Harry was staring up at. The constellations of the night sky.

"I know you miss your godfather, Harry," he whispers with a slight frown.

Harry looked at him and nodded his head. Sirius is the only family member he has. He may not be blood-related, but he was known by his father and mother. He hoped he hadn't woken Draco up either. Merlin, he would feel worse if he had. But he doesn't remember making any noise. "Why are you up, Draco?"

"I can't sleep," Draco said simply with another yawn. He ran a hand over his face to try and wipe the sleep from his face. "I'm worried about Blaise."

"Oh," Harry said worriedly. He was relieved to know he wasn't the cause of Draco's sleepless night. "But his parents are in Azkaban," he added quietly so he wouldn't wake Ron. He remembers the article saying all the Death Eaters except Bellatrix were caught and put in Azkaban. Even Lucius.

"I know..." Draco said, trailing off and looked over at the first bed. Ron was sleeping soundlessly. Silent, he was emitting a few little snores here and there. "How can he sleep like that knowing Blaise could be harming himself right now?"

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