A Hexagon of Love

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Lunchtime came around so fast it was like time itself was running late. Harry made his way into the Great Hall, looking around the tables for either Hermione, Ivy or Draco. Finally, he spotted the beautiful Whiteish blonde hair that belonged to his boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. The curious thing was, he wasn't at the Slytherin table. The Slytherin was at the Gryffindor table with Ivy and Lavender.

Harry casually just walked over to the Gryffindor table like nothing was new and sat next to his beloved Draco. "Hey everyone," he said and turned around to face Draco. "Fancy seeing you here again my love. What's with the new change of seating?"

Draco looked into Harry's green eyes and smiled. It was one of those smiles that lit Harry up with fireworks from the inside. "Well, see my cousin over here wanted to sit with her new friend," he said to his boyfriend but pointing a finger to Ivy who was sitting next to Lavender. "She dragged me over here. I don't mind though. But I was getting a few stares from your Gryffindorks."

"Gryffindorks?" Harry asked, a little unimpressed by the word and raised an eyebrow at him. He's heard his boyfriend say that word before. It doesn't bother him at all but he needs to make sure he's not the only one who's affected by the word.

Ivy and Lavender both rolled their eyes at the boys and continued carrying on a conversation with each other about what they want their date to be and so on.

Something then caught Harry's eye. It was a someone. Ron. "Is that Ron and Blaise heading out into the Grand Hall?" He asked and pointed towards the two boys who were exiting out of the Great Hall. It was intriguing to watch. Where were they going instead of lunch?

"I wonder if they're secretly dating?" Ivy asked silently but loud enough to hear as Draco, Harry, and Lavender stared at her with confusion. "What?" she asked them, looking at the three. "It could happen. We know how lovey-dovey he is over Ron even if he hides it well."

Draco nodded his head with a smirk, agreeing with his cousin. He's seen Blaise just lying in bed and staring up at the ceiling of his 4-poster. It was hilarious actually. "Yeah, that is quite true."

"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked them while searching the Great Hall for a familiar sight of fluffy brown hair. Where was his friend? He is glad Hermione has someone to hang with other than himself and books since he's been spending most of his time with Draco.

"There she is!" Lavender said, pointing towards the Slytherin table. She saw Hermione and Pansy sitting side by side and holding hands as they ate lunch together. "Naww!" she sighed in awe with a hand to her heart.

"So, let's talk about tomorrow," Harry said directly, smiling at the girls who decided to flirt with one another. He pilled his plate up with pikelets with syrup on top for his lunch. "We need a plan for the day. Like, when we all will be together when we separate." He held Draco's hand in his because his own hands were feeling a little cold even if it was quite a warm day. Unless it was his excitement making him cold but was that possible?

Draco intertwined his fingers with Harry's with a smile, feeling the warmth of Harry under his fingertips and the palm of his hand. "Yeah," he said, looking beside him at Harry and looked him up and down. Hee was just excited for Hogsmeade weekend. "So, where will we all meet?"

Lavender looked up from her curried egg sandwich. "The Fat Lady's Portrait which goes into the Gryffindor common room?" she asked them quietly as she leant forward so they could hear her better. "I mean, it's easy enough."

The three nodded except Draco. "Why do you lot call her 'the fat lady'?" he asked and his eyebrows drew together as he felt sorry for the woman in the portrait even if he hasn't talked to her ever. "It's kind of rude, isn't it?"

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