The Golden Egg

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Harry awoke to the sound of breathing next to him as well as something touching his stomach. He opened his eyes and saw Draco lying next to him with his hair tousled. Memories flooded in through his mind from last night. He went flying with Draco. He noticed Draco's left arm was hugging his stomach. He blushed a little as he did not remember Draco hugging him, only kissing him goodnight on the forehead. He had just realized that he has had a really good sleep. He didn't wake up at all during the night and has slept for more than six hours. That's a new record for him.

He carefully rolled onto his back to look at the ceiling of the 4-poster bed and remembered how soft Draco's lips were as on his forehead even if it was a quick kiss. They were so soft and were the lips of an angel. Harry just smiled at the sleeping boy and he cast a quick "Tempus," telling him it's around 5:30 in the morning. Way too early to wake Draco up so he just lay there staring at this beautiful bloke he wanted to call his boyfriend.

Harry thought back to the day in the secret room in the library where Draco lay asleep and he kissed him. He knew if he kissed Draco now, he'd probably wake up and who knows what. Harry didn't think he wanted to know but Draco didn't seem like the 'You kissed me so now I'm going to slap you because I'm not interested in you' type of guy. No, he's a soft, loving, amazing, kind, handsome young man that Harry just wants to hug, snog and cuddle with. Nobody knew Draco this much besides Pansy, Blaise, and Ivy and Harry plans to keep it that way, to cherish the moments he spends with him.

Harry remembered writing the letter to Sirius last night, it was still in the bedside table drawer on his side of the bed. Quietly, hoping the bed won't creak, he slowly removed Draco's hand from his waist, got up and opened the drawer silently. He peeked over at the sleeping Slytherin, sighing in relief as he was still asleep and turned back around to grab the envelope and quickly place it inside his robe pocket. He then made his way back into the bed quietly, still hoping the bed won't creak. He flinched as the bed creaked as he lay next to Draco. He bit his lip and felt warm arms wrap around him again, so he returned the favour by hugging back, or is it cuddling?

Draco slowly opened his eyes and yawned, causing Harry to try not to giggle at how adorable he sounds. The Slytherin was like a damn kitten and it warmed Harry's non-existent heart up. He moved closer so he was face to face with Draco. Draco slowly looked up and saw Harry's face very close to his own and he froze as he didn't know what to do. They were so close, just like the time they accidentally ran into one another in the corridors. They both felt themselves blush at how close they were, they could just move an inch closer and they would be kissing.

Harry decided to play a little prank on Draco, no matter how much it'd make him blush. He smiled and reached over to brush a few strands of Draco's blonde hair out of his eyes, even if his insides were fluttering with a trillion butterflies. "Good morning, sweetheart," he said amiably and leaned down, planting a little kiss on Draco's left cheek and it made the Slytherin's lips part a little in shock.

Draco blinked and smiled at him as he raised his hand to cup the cheek Harry had kissed. Merlin, he was feeling so warm and fuzzy right now and it was all because of Harry. He could feel his cheeks glowing with warmth and a blush rising up them. Is it a dream or is this... real? Although he hoped he wasn't dreaming. "Am I dreaming, or have I just woken up next to Harry Potter and he called me sweetheart?"

Harry took this as an advantage, and he watched as Draco licks his pink lips. "You're definitely dreaming," he told him in a tired voice and continued to caress Draco's hair. "If you weren't, I wouldn't be doing this." He twisted his torso to lean back down again, his eyes glancing up at those silver eyes, and back down to those pink lips, and back up again. He tilted his head to the side a little, licking his own lips, until he was only nose to nose with Draco.

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