Loss and Suffering

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They were rapidly becoming obsessed with each other's bodies."

Chapter Summary - Characters and others not being used: Horace Slughorn, Albus Dumbledore, Pensieve Tom Marvolo Riddle and the others in the Pensieve, No Slug Club, No Draco-sneaking-out-to-fix-the-cabinet, No finding Horcruxes... You get what I mean.

Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter Text

Harry woke with a yawn, remembering he had to go back to Hogwarts today. Hogwarts. Draco. He smiled. He hasn't seen his Slytherin boyfriend for a couple of days because Draco wanted to spend the rest of the week with his mother. Harry understood that, as Draco never got to see Narcissa the entire holidays, not until after the war. He couldn't wait to see Draco. It feels like it has been months since he last saw him!

He pushed himself out of his warm bed and decided to get dressed. Searching for his trunk under his bed, he couldn't find it. He swore it was there just yesterday when he last looked. He stared at the drawers and wardrobe, wondering if his clothes somehow managed to find their way inside. He then searched through the drawers and found half of the clothes he owned already inside. He smiled. It must have been either Severus or Remus. But they really didn't have to do this. He was capable of doing it himself. He pulled on a short-sleeved stone blue V-neck t-shirt, a black hoodie, and a pair of dark tracksuit pants.

Harry headed to the kitchen to get some breakfast, but it was already served. Bacon and eggs. The smell was delightful! But bacon and eggs brought back so many memories from the Dursley household where he'd have to make it for three people. It was triggering, but he sat down on the kitchen bench with a forced smile.

The heavyweight of his depression was pushing him back down, but Harry tried fighting against it, knowing how much he was loved by Draco, his dad, Remus, Narcissa, probably Lucius, the Weasley's, Hermione, Pansy and Blaise. He knows those people loved him so much, and he'll try fighting as much as he can against his depression. But this just reminded him of Fred, who was missed dearly by his friends and family. Not to mention George, he had lost his other half and would be feeling like shit every day. He knows Fred's death isn't his fault, yet he felt like it was considering he stayed at the Weasleys during the summer. Now he felt even terrible. "Morning," he mutters, not noticing how miserable he sounded.

"Good morning, Harry," said Remus softly, using the spatula to place an egg and a couple pieces of bacon on Harry's plate. "Excited to head back to Hogwarts?"

To be honest with himself, Harry doesn't know. Hogwarts has always been his home, but now that he has a real home, he just feels like Hogwarts is just another school. "I guess so," he said while stabbing the egg's yolk on the plate with his fork. "The best part would be to-"

"See Draco?" Severus finished for him, smiling as he walks into the kitchen with a floating black mug of coffee following from behind him.

Harry blushed at the mention of Draco and nodded. He's been thinking about him since that dream he had of Draco and him at Malfoy Manor in the rose maze. The proposal dream. He just cannot seem to get it out of his mind. "He's the best part about going to Hogwarts," he tells them softly, starting to slowly feel better as he thinks about Draco and how just a smile from him can light up his insides.

"Speaking of Draco," said Severus lightly and went towards Remus. He peeked into the pan of eggs and bacon and licked his lips, then glanced back up at Harry. "Why don't you come to Hogwarts with me and you can astound him on the Hogwarts express?"

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