Dementors and Depression

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The first day of Harry's holiday was a living hell. All that he was put to work on were chores. Chores, Chores, Chores. Dishes, laundry, cleaning, sweeping, cooking breakfast and plenty more. He did those chores to the best of his ability so he wouldn't get into trouble but Dudley always appeared out of nowhere to give him a punch in the gut or to fire Nerf gun bullets at him, or to trip him over. He didn't care about the hittings or the fact that he's a human target to Dudley, not really. Dudley nearly tripped him down the stairs, but Harry saved himself by grabbing onto the rails. His heart was gunning against his chest then, from the possible injury he could have gotten.

When Harry was out mowing the lawns thinking about Draco and what he could be doing, he saw Mrs Figg walking by with her cat Snowy on a leash. How odd yet sweet. Snowy had a blue harness on, and the lead was blue too. He gave her a forced smile, and she gave a real smile back.

"Get back to work, faggot!" Harry rolled his eyes at the voice of his cousin, Dudley, yelling at him from the front porch of the house, sitting on the blue peacock cane chair like a king would. He just wanted to flip the birdie at him and tell him to fuck off but knew the's how he'll get into deep trouble, not that he doesn't want to get into trouble and just be a badass. He's actually thinking about finding the CD player, putting an ACDC song on and play it loudly at midnight but pretend he's asleep just so he wakes the Dursley's up. It sounds undeniably incredible, and he knows Draco would probably be proud of him. Not to mention the twin Weasley brothers as well.

"Shut your mouth, Dudley Dursley!" Mrs Figg yelled, and Snowy, beside her, just sat down on the concrete path and licked at her paws then rubbed them behind her ears to clean herself. "Stop being lazy and actually do something for living like get a job or do some exercise for a change." Point 1 to Mrs Figg.

Dudley looked shocked, but then he glared at Mrs Figg. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" he spat viciously but kept his tone down. "You're not my mother!"

Harry smirked as he continued mowing the lawn, moving the lawnmower back and forth to make sure the lawns looked perfect. Now he really wanted to give Dudley the middle finger. Oh, this was just getting exciting.

Mrs Figg scoffed at the young immature boy who should know better. "I may not be your mother, but I'm sure she would have taught you some manners when speaking to other people," she said with a proud smile. "Now why don't you go get some gardening tools and help out your dear cousin. He can't do all these chores on his own now can he?"

The door then bursts open, and Vernon Dursley comes storming out. His eyes directly go to Harry's which he squints them. "What's going on here!" Then his eyes see Mrs Figg and he smiles with kind eyes. "Hello, Mrs Figg. How's your day going?"

"It was wonderful until I saw your son just sitting around doing nothing while poor Harry over here is doing all the yard work," Mrs Figg says bitterly, and her stare at Vernon lacked complete warmth. "It's not fair that your son's just sitting up on that chair watching Harry do all the work that should be split equally amongst your family."

Vernon glares Harry's way, knowing it's all Harry's fault for making sweet Mrs Figg act up like this. "I assure you my son has chores too," he told her. "Dudley helps make dinner, does the dishes, and cleans up after himself. He does the backyard, and Harry does the front yard."

Mrs Figg clearly didn't believe Vernon, and so she looked at Harry for the truth, "Is this true, Harry?"

Harry didn't want to tell the truth, nor did he want to get into trouble. But either way, both options get him into trouble. There was no escaping this. It's either tell Mrs Figg the truth and get punished later or lie to Mrs Figg but still get into trouble for even making this entire conversation exist. "I-, umm..." He looked at his Uncle who was glaring daggers at him, and then to Dudley who cocked an eyebrow at him, but he could see he was hoping Harry would lie. In the window beside Dudley was Aunt Petunia with her head poking out the window. "It's not true, Mrs Figg," he then said, looking back at Mrs Figg. "Dudley and I share chores." The relieved face of Dudley made Harry frown a little.

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