Loving Waters

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Harry met Draco back in the library's secret room on a Tuesday evening which was the night before the second task. He brought the Golden Egg too so he could show Draco it as he didn't think Draco has seen the egg. The Slytherin would know about the task, but only little bits of it, as Harry's told him months ago.

It was a nice stormy evening; dark grey clouds were moving over the landscape with a downpour of rain. As Harry entered through the big Oak door, he spotted Draco looking through all the CD's, placing one set of CDs to the left and the other to the right. He decided to sneak up behind Draco and wrap an arm around the blonde and kiss his cheek as a welcoming. "Good Evening."

Draco turned around, hands supporting his weight on the sides of the dresser and leaned forward to give a quick kiss to Harry, not seeing the golden egg in the sight of his eyes. Harry kissed back eagerly and snaked his hand up and around Draco's neck, pushing him closer to the blonde. Draco leaned away with a smile and flicked his wand at the muggle music player beside him, turning it on and it started playing a song. It was Seven Wonders by Fleetwood Mac.

Harry, having an idea what they're about to do, places the egg next to Draco's wand. But then the Slytherin sees the golden egg and his eyes seem like they're glued to it. He has seen Viktor Krum with a similar egg before. He didn't question what it was as he wanted to dance with Harry.

So long ago
Certain place
Certain time

Draco places his wand down, twines his hand with Harry's and leads him to the middle of the room in front of the fireplace and couch. He places his arms around Harry's waist while Harry places his arms around Draco's neck, and they stare into the depths of each other's eyes as they dance to the soft music.

You touched my hand
All the way
All the way down to Emmeline

They slowly danced around in a circle on the spot with their bodies touching and no gap left in between each other. They didn't care what was happening around them or what's happening outside of the walls as all that mattered was being with each other and expressing their love for each other with little kisses here and there.

But if our paths never cross
Well, you know I'm sorry but

If I live to see the seven wonders,
I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
I'll never live to match the beauty again
The rainbow's end

"What exactly is this song about?" Draco asked quietly while they continued dancing together. All he hears is something about rainbows and whatever the Seven Wonders were. The Seven Wonders sounds like something to do with Wizarding things such as Seven Magical Objects. Could that be what this lady meant in her song? But this is a muggles song.

"There are many different concepts of the song," Harry said and tilted his head to the side like he was expecting a kiss. He didn't though. "Some muggles believe it's about Witches and having these seven wonders of Powers. Not Wizarding World Witches. These Witches don't need wands to do magic like we can."

"Oh, so they can do wandless magic then?" Draco asks him and to his confusion, Harry shakes his head. "That doesn't make sense though. There aren't different types of Witches. Not unless they're talking about the blood type of the Witch."

Harry shook his head again, and he smiles and found it cute how Draco didn't know that much about the muggle culture and their different versions of witches. "No, muggles just believe there are different types of witches. They have these stereotypical witches who have green skin, a long pointy nose, and who cackle a lot and spread evil around the land. Then there are witches who are good and use nature as their source of power such as healing medicine and plants. The muggles even believe in Merlin and Arthurs round table."

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