Trials and Justice

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"Hermione, can we talk?"

Hermione looked up from the book she was reading at Pansy who had her head down, but her eyes looked up. She couldn't see the urgency in Pansy's eyes. "Sure, Pans," she said lightly. She knew this day would actually come. "What is it?"

"You haven't told me about what happened a week ago after Dobby's death," Pansy walks remorsefully towards the other girl who sat on the couch. "And-" She looked warily around the room for George. "-Fred's death," she whispered the last two words.

Hermione frowned. That was the conversation she really regrets having. She doesn't know what to say. She feels alright even if she's a little sad from Fred's death. "Pansy, nothing happened," she tells her flatly. "I was just a little sad, that's all."

"Did you ever think of coming to me to talk about your emotions?" Pansy asked at once. She too needed someone to talk to this past week and did she have her girlfriend at all? No. Only Blaise she could count on and listen to. But Blaise even needed Ron who wasn't there for him even before the war when he was being abused.

"Well, you weren't physically here with me, were you?" Hermione retaliated back with a flat look; her eyes narrowed at the other girl. "Not like how Ron was here for me every day."

Pansy twisted her mouth with a sour expression. "Oh?" she sneered, palms and temples starting to bead with sweat. She can feel the rage bubbling up her chest and feels almost ill with it. "So now it's my fault, huh?! It's my fault I wasn't there for you? What if I had to deal with my own problems back at home?" Her voice just got louder and louder for everything she says. "Like my mother coming back home scared to death because of something that happened, and she never told me what it is! And my uncle sodding died. The last time I saw him was right before the war! You don't think you're the only one who's suffering because of this damn war?!"

"I'm sorry, okay!" Hermione yells because she's not going to let Pansy blame everything on Ron, which she believes this is all about. Her gut was twisting with the way her insides burn scorching hot. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you either! I was just – we were just dealing with a few things." Her voice lowered and she looked to the floor dazedly, "Not to mention Fred." Then she regained eye contact with her girlfriend and spat loudly, "And don't you think Ron's not having a hard time either?! He's lost his damned big brother! And here I am comforting him because it's all I really can do, and he's been comforting me as much as he can too about Dobby!"

Pansy's chin quivered and her eyes watered at what she realised. "Hermione, are you having an affair with Ron behind my back?" she asked her slowly.

Hermione looked at her gloomily, trying to hide her tears by blinking them away. But it wasn't true. She hasn't kissed Ron at all. Though the thought has crossed her mind several times.

"Oh, Merlin," Pansy choked out, voice quavering as she started sobbing. Her shoulders quaked with repressed sobs.

"No, Pansy," Hermione said calmly, shaking her head as a tear rolls down her cheek. "Ron's just been there for me to give me hugs, hold my hand. You know? Comforting gestures. I'd never cheat on you."

"It sounds like you are to me," Pansy opposed in a quiet tone of voice. It hurt to hear they've been holding hands. Even if it's just a simple gesture. But best friend's don't hold hands.


"What happened to us, Hermione?" Pansy asked sadly, face empty of all expression, mouth a straight, very thin line and she hugged her elbows.

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