Planning big, but still grieving

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arry was down in the Library's Secret Room with Draco trying to catch up on all his homework and Extracurricular activities. He tries to get some done every night, which he succeeds on, but the other homework just gets in the way. So, he and Draco had decided to have study sessions together after they had lunch and during their spare periods.

Being with Draco while studying does help him a lot to get work done. It's incredible how Draco's the solution to a lot of things. One: his depression – whenever he feels depressed, he can just go to Draco for a snuggling session and to just talk. Two: Homework – he finds he can concentrate easily when doing his homework and activities when with Draco. Three... No, concentrate Harry.

The only thing worrying Harry was Draco's state. All week, since the start of term, Draco's been looking so down. He knows it is because of Ivy's death. Even he has been missing Ivy a lot and Lavender. He knows that Draco is dealing with his grief by having sex with him at least twice a day, four times a week. He doesn't mind at all; he just doesn't want his boyfriend or himself to become obsessed with it.

Four pieces of homework and Extracurricular activities done, and two more to go. He rested his elbow on the table, his chin leaning on his hand as he stared at Draco lovingly, who was concentrating quite hard on his homework.

"What?" Draco asked numbly, not even looking up at Harry as he continued to write his 12-inch essay on Bezoar. At least doing something like schoolwork and making love with Harry makes him focus easily instead of thinking of Ivy and her death.

Harry smiled lovingly and reached up to play with Draco's neat hair. He wants to make Draco somehow feel better, other than having sex with him. "Oh, nothing," he says slowly. "Just admiring how handsome you are."

Draco finally looked up at him from his schoolwork, a slight blush rising to his face, and he leaned over to give Harry a short peck on the lips before continuing writing. "Very sweet, Harry," he says in a low voice, slightly glancing to the side at Harry, and dipping his Eagle Owl quill back into his inkpot. "But how much of your work do you still need to do?"

"Only two long essays," mumbles Harry and stretches his arms over the table.

"If you finish your work then you can have as much free time with me as you want," Draco tells him with a sigh, staring somewhere over Harry's right shoulder and dazed off. "So, do your work, Harry Potter."

Harry sighs slowly because all he wants is attention from his boyfriend. With a grin, he stood up from his seat only to slide his leg over Draco's thigh and sit on his boyfriend's lap, staring into his silver eyes with his hands around his neck. "Or..." He winked, and Draco bit his bottom lip as Harry starts to slowly rut on his crotch. "We could have a little bit of fun right now."

Draco playfully rolled his eyes at him. That sounds like a wonderful idea, but he wants to get everything done. "After you and I both finish our work, then we can have 'a little bit of fun'," he says lightly, trying to ignore the urge to just drop his quill and feel Harry's skin under his fingertips. Harry's hands travelled to Draco's collar bone, and as he continued rubbing himself over Draco's crotch with a smirk, one of his hands dropped down to the waistband of Draco's black trousers and slipped in. When Draco let out a low groan, Harry leaned forward and kissed him.

Draco gave into the kiss for a couple of seconds, before pulling away and forcing a smile. "Now, get off me, please?" he asks kindly and thrusts his hips up to try and get Harry off him, but it just makes Harry think that he's getting what he wants. Harry starts kissing Draco's neck deeply and continued his slow rutting on him. Draco growls at the need to give love to Harry, and Harry just makes it worse by biting his neck right under his earlobe where he is more sensitive, giving him a raw hickey. "I still have five inches of my essay to complete," he makes out roughly.

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