A day full of Dragons

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The first thought Harry had in mind was food. If he was going to try to survive today, he couldn't do it on an empty stomach even though he knew he was going to puke out everything he's consumed. Harry's tummy rumbled, agreeing that he needed food, so he put his glasses on, got dressed and headed down to the Great Hall for lunch.

He ignored all the stares and whispers coming from the students, he couldn't care less. Harry just walked on over to an empty seat on the Gryffindor table, completely ignoring the two girls who got up and moved away as he sat down. He restlessly ignored Dumbledore's words as to how the task will begin soon and just stared at the table where the food normally was until it was summoned.

Harry tipped some pumpkin juice into a goblet and took small sips. Maybe just solid foods made him vomit? He doesn't know but he will try everything he can. He heard someone whispering about him, he couldn't quite hear if it were good or bad gossip but either way, he felt depressed. Harry tried to ignore the whispers and kept drinking his pumpkin juice.

Draco looked up at the Gryffindor table and saw Granger bending over and speaking into Harry's ear. Harry just didn't seem to notice her. He stared down at his plate and did not eat. From where Draco stood looked almost white on the skin of the Gryffindor. Draco wished he knew what was going on with Harry and the Weasel. First, they were speaking, then they weren't and now they were.

Draco was slowly sipping his Rose tea and taking small bites from his toast with strawberry jam. He wondered what was going through Harry's head at the time. Merlin knows how stressed and anxious Harry would be. He knew if he was put in the Tri-wizard Tournament he'd try everything he could to get out of it, even if it meant injuring himself.

Ivy and Pansy walked through the Great Hall entrance, arm in arm, and sat next to Draco. "Hi, Dray," they chorused together. They stared at his red chapped face and giggled.

Draco jumped a little in his seat as the girls startled him. He glared at his so-called friends for nearly making him spill his tea. "Hey, don't do that!" he spat at them a little silently as he didn't want to draw attention to himself. "You guys will be the death of me someday."

Both girls giggled again. They loved annoying the hell out of Draco, it's something they were born to do and it's what they cherish doing. "We love you too," they chorused just like identical twins would.

Draco crossed his arms over each other on the table and lay his head down on his arms. Why did he even come down to breakfast in the first place? That's right, he came down only for Harry. He wanted to wish him luck in the task, but it seems he missed out on the opportunity just like how he's been trying to ask Harry out for the entire year. "I love you guys too."

"What was that?" Ivy asked with a smile and leaning a little closer to him with a hand cupping her ear. She was just being an idiot, like she always tries to be to put a smile on her cousin's face. Draco laid his chin on his hands and took a sip from his Rose tea while telling her that there's nothing to talk about.

Ivy remembered the talk they had a night ago and chuckled. Then she remembered his face and how red it is. "By the way, your face is very red," she told him earnestly. "You should read chapter 342 of your charms book, Dray." She reached into her robe pocket and took out her round makeup mirror, opening it up so the mirror faced Draco.

Draco glared at the giggling girls and stared at his reflection in shock. His face indeed looked red, so he reached inside his bag for his charms book. He found the page and sighed at it, "Skin softening charms?"

Ivy nodded at him. She wondered how long his face had been that red for. She doesn't remember the redness on his face last night when he came into the common room late from a flying date. "Want me to cast it for you?" she didn't need approval from Draco anyway as she grabbed her wand out, pointed it at her cousin's face and mumbled an unintelligible spell. Draco felt his cheeks start to soften up and cool down.

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