A Birthday to Remember

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The next day - Draco's Birthday

Harry ran down to the Great Hall in the early morning, carrying the present and card he got for Draco. It is Draco's birthday after all. He sped past the students, zig-zagging his way through the crowds until he got to his destination. Once he saw the familiar whiteish blonde hair he slowed himself down so he could latch onto Draco for a surprise birthday hug. "Happy actual Birthday, Hun!" he said, breathing in Draco's lovely citrusy scent.

Draco just smiled and kissed Harry's forehead when he had him in his arms again. "Thank you, my darling," he said gratefully, and even if his home was hundreds of miles away, he has never felt more at home than he is now. He is home, in Harry's arms.

Harry's smile grew. "You are very welcome," he said and gave Draco's cheek a lingering birthday kiss. But then remembered a special something. "Oh, I got you something." He ended the hug but gave Draco an actual kiss to the lips. He gave Draco the small present and the card. "Read the card first. It took me a while, I'm not good with rhyming, but I got there."

Draco's cheeks warmed up with a blush at what Harry's also given him when only yesterday he felt like it was his birthday. He grabbed the card from Harry but eyed the two light green boxes, one smaller than the other, in Harry's hands curiously. He opened the card up, revealing little red hearts drawn inside, and snitches. He read the words silently and felt his heart flutter in his chest. "You brought me sunshine when I only saw rain. You brought me laughter when I only felt pain." He smiled warmly at this letter and felt tears of joy sting his eyes. "Oh, Harry. That's so sweet and painful at the same time." He leaned in to give Harry a loving kiss.

Harry kissed back passionately and internally sighed in relief, it wasn't a terrible poem after all. He pulled Draco by the hand, out of the Great Hall and behind a statue of a wizard. "I also have these," he said, giving Draco the bigger light green box which Draco opened to find a Potions book he has wanted for a long time which is written by Raphael Leroy. Harry then opened the small light green box to reveal a black ring encrusted with a small emerald in the middle.

Draco felt like fainting but in a good way. He hoped this wasn't a proposal, he wasn't ready for marriage yet and was too young. He watched Harry slide the beautiful ring onto his ring finger, and it was a perfect fit. Just like how Harry is for him.

Harry grinned at his boyfriend, having a hunch why Draco's so surprised. He could have laughed at the thought. "It's cute how you think it's a proposal when really, it's not," he says lightly, admiring the amusement on the Slytherin's face. "Don't you think we are a little too young to get married? We're 14, not 20."

Draco was a little confused with the ring. If it's not a proposal ring, then what is it? To be given a ring always has a meaning for it like marriage or a promise of some kind. "What is it for then?"

Harry brought Draco's hand up to his mouth and kissed Draco's knuckles while admiring the elegance of his fingers. "To show my deep love for you, and so you have something new to wear," he explained it to Draco's eyes which seemed to lighten up the more he looked back at Harry.

Draco took a good look at his new ring. His mouth slightly dropped open as there were small words engraved in his ring that read 'I love you'. He felt all warm and loved knowing Harry got this ring and engraved it just for him. "How much was this ring, Harry?"

Harry shrugged as he said, "About 199 muggle dollars." It wasn't much to him. He still had a few dollars left from their last date in muggle London. "I had a lot of spare money from our date in Muggle London which I used to buy this."

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