Coming Out

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Harry woke up with a yawn and grabbed his glasses from his bedside table and slid them up to his nose, watching as everything became clear. He opened the curtains to his 4-poster bed, seeing as his roommates were all asleep still. He decided to just lay there, reading the book Hermione gave him named 'The Hunger Games'. A few 30 minutes later he heard his roommates stir as they wake up, hearing yawns and shuffles along the floor. So, he quickly got up, out of bed, ignoring everyone as he was still sleepy and got dressed in his school clothes.

He couldn't get the amazing memories of the Yule Ball out of his head, especially the fun he had with Draco on that evening. That charming smile that could light up a whole town, gorgeous glimmering silver eyes that remind him of stars and the moon, soft lips that he could kiss forever if breathing didn't exist, soft silky whitish blonde hair which reminds him of the soft fur of kittens, nice round ass...

"Mate," said Ron from his bed on the other side of the common room, and Harry hesitantly looked up at him. He's been glancing at Harry every so often when getting dressed and noticed he has just been staring at a particular spot on the bed. "Why are you up so late?"

Harry decided to shrug. "I just got up," he said and didn't even feel bad for the lie he told Ron. He just couldn't be bothered telling his mate what he's really been doing which was reading. It helps pass the time and he likes imagining himself in the books he reads that are fiction and imaginative.

"Well, C'mon," Ron said, and his jaw clenched a little with impatience. He just wanted to get to the Great Hall so he can eat but he wants to travel there with his mate. "We need to go to breakfast. I'm starving."

Harry let out a snort, knowing too well his best mate would be hungry. Hungry is like an emotion to Ron. It's a mood that he always is in. "That's an understatement, Ron," he said and gave him a smirk. "You're always hungry."

Ron shrugged with a smile and headed for the door but faced Harry when doing so. "Let's just go, Harry," he said and opened the door, feeling the cool air from the common room flow into the room. "Apparently, the house-elves have made bagels, omelette and croissants."

Harry nodded and followed Ron out of the dorm room and into the common room. From there, they were walking their way down to the Great Hall. They were in a corridor, it was only a few more minutes until they reached the Grand Hall.

"Hey, Ron?" Harry suddenly said and scratched the back of his neck. He still had to ask Ron if he accepts him for liking guys. For liking Draco. He knows Ron said it's disgusting a day or two ago, but he wants to know if Ron will accept him. "What is your opinion on..." He stops there. What if Ron hates homosexuality? It can't be that bad. Hermione was okay with it. "Homosexuality..."

Ron stopped walking; he was deep in thought, thinking about what he should say. He's been feeling rather jealous of Harry and Draco, even if he knew those two weren't dating. They looked to be in love though, the way they look into each other's eyes is truly amazing. The fact that he had nearly caught Harry and Draco snogging on Christmas day really got to him, it made him realize that you can like anybody no matter what their gender is. He couldn't just tell his best mate that he was jealous. He turned towards Harry, looking like he just ate a bad tasting 'Bertie Botts Every Flavored Bean' and said, "What, Poofs and Lesbians?"

"Uh, yeah," Harry said, looking down at the ground. He didn't speak up for himself. That was it. That's when he felt his mental walls go back up, sealing anybody out from his mind that could try and find their way in. He tried scratching at his arms, hoping the gesture would be wearing off the spell he used on the morning of the Yule Ball. It really was not helping, the scratching. He hasn't cut since before Christmas and that was only a couple of days ago.

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