Detentions and Umbridge

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Draco and Harry stepped onto the platform of nine and three quarters with smiles as they held hands. They couldn't wait to get to Hogwarts so they could sneak away to visit the Library's secret room or the Willow tree if they have time. They hopped on the train, found an empty compartment, shut the blinds and door, and snuggled up to one another.

Harry sat on Draco's lap with his back against the wall and legs over the seats. He wrapped his arms around Draco's sides and sighed happily. Could this day get any better when you're sitting with the most beautiful man? Well, more like sitting on.

"Do you think we should tell Dumbledore about the secret bedrooms?" Draco asked and kissed Harry's cheek. He too was feeling mighty special. If it wasn't for the truce he made with Harry, he sure as hell would be stampeding this train to look for Harry and his friends to torment him and get Harry's attention just so he can look at Harry's handsome face and obsess about him later. The truce that brought him and Harry together. Slowly, but they got there.

"I'm not sure," Harry said with a shrug and an ambivalent look on his face. He did tell Dumbledore about the rooms, but only said it was a dream to his headmaster. He decided to make Draco laugh just for fun. But to also hear that beautiful heartwarming laugh again. "I mean, what if he finds bed sheets full of semen?"

Draco laughed and his hands explored up until they found Harry's dark messy hair and he ran his hands through Harry's hair gently. He didn't want to picture Dumbledore finding a bed full of his and Harry's semen. That'll actually be scary. He could do a whole DNA test and find out whose semen it belongs to. "We'll have to Scourgify the bed then, Harry. No big deal."

Harry moved his hand down Draco's chest slowly, wanting to feel the Slytherin's skin under his fingertips again even though they pretty much had sex more than three times a week. "To change that particular topic... who do you think will be the next Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?"

"I don't know, Harry," Draco said with a smile, shaking his head at ever knowing who the next DADA teacher will be. He rubbed his thumb over Harry's bottom lip repeatedly as Harry's hand trailed down south and that tightening feeling in his pants started. "It's always a mystery to us students."

Harry smiled back at the Slytherin and leaned forward to trail kisses down Draco's cheeks to his neck. "I love you," he whispered and kissed his neck sloppily like they were the only ones in the world. He bit into Draco's soft but salty neck.

"I love you too, Harry," Draco said in a shaky voice from the amount of love bite Harry was giving him. He leaned his head against the seat, so Harry had more room. As he felt Harry bite down harder on his neck, he felt his pants tighten a little more. He could feel the excitement down south. "Merlin. Are you going to rut against me now?"

Harry chuckled, hoisted a leg over Draco's legs until he sat on the Slytherin's lap and did just that. He could feel the Slytherin's hardness under him and it made him start to harden a little as Draco's body, whenever naked or not could always arouse him. Draco let out soft little moans that just made Harry rut faster and bite into the Slytherin's neck until he created a hickey that he felt satisfied with.

There was a pounding on the door. Both boys looked up at the compartment door and were glad the window curtains were down. Oh, what would they do if someone had seen them like this? It never happened the last time they made love on the Hogwarts Express two months ago.

Harry smirked and continued rutting on the Slytherin. He was loving the moans coming from Draco's beautiful mouth. He sucked on another part of Draco's neck as he wanted to create another hickey. Draco whimpered and wanted to just strip himself so he could feel Harry's beautiful sexy body on his own.

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