Love Potions, and Heartbreaking Dreams"

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"Here Neville, have a Butterbeer."

Neville looked at the girl with brown hair and Slytherin robes, confused as to why he was being talked to. No girls ever talk to him, except Hermione, Luna, and Ginny. "Um..." he trailed off as he can tell that the bottle the girl held wasn't even a Butterbeer bottle.

"Please?" The girl asked in a nearly pleading way. "My sister and I are giving them out to everyone. It's for a project of mine for muggle studies," she adds quickly, smiling down at him. "I have to make drinks myself instead of using magic."

"Is it free?" Neville then asked, drawing his eyebrows closer. All he knows is free things never are free. It comes with a price, as his grandmother always says.

"Yes," the brunette says, nodding her head firmly. "I'm giving you and everyone else a Butterbeer for free, aren't I?"

Neville stared at the Butterbeer in the girl's hands, really looking at it. It seemed not at all harmful. But he didn't pay attention to who the girl was handing out the Butterbeer to. "Oh, alright," he finally agreed. He hauled his legs over the seat, ready to stand up and go. "I need something to drink while I finish a Transfiguration Essay anyway."

The girl beamed and handed Neville the Butterbeer. "I do hope you enjoy it!" she says, eyes glittering mischievously which Neville really didn't notice. "See you!"

"Yeah," Neville deadpanned, grabbed his stuff and rushed out of the Great Hall, away from the girl. He unscrewed the cork from the Butterbeer and took a sip. Licking his lips, he put the cork back on and continued to Gryffindor Tower. Then he notices someone out of the corner of his eyes and looks their way. "Oh, Hi Harry!" The sudden feeling of light-headedness overwhelmed him when he stared at Harry.

"Hello, Neville," said Harry, smiling sheepishly back at him and the way Neville's just staring at him. "How are yo-"

Neville pushed him up against the wall and kissed him, the feeling of obsession coursing through his veins when his lips touched the other blokes.

"N-Nev-." Harry tried to push Neville away, but all he did is give in to the kiss and kiss back because slowly, he was becoming obsessed with Neville Longbottom, in the loving way. He doesn't know why.

Blaise and Draco were just walking down the corridor, on their way to the Dungeons for Potions. Earlier, Harry had rushed off to the bathroom, so Draco wanted to make sure Harry was okay by checking up on him in the bathroom before Potions.

But Draco froze to the spot, his heart feeling like it was shattering into tiny pieces and he dropped his book bag on the floor.

Blaise could see the tears in Draco's eyes. Even he had tears in his own eyes because he really, really likes Neville. This just hurt to see, even if he and Neville haven't actually sorted out our feelings for each other. Well, Blaise had. He just didn't know if Neville liked him in the same way.

Draco just felt like running away, to his godfather, a professor, anybody! This cannot be happening. He knows Harry loves him, and he loves Harry back so damn much that he'd die for him. "H-Harry...?"

Harry broke out of the kiss, looked at the blonde Slytherin, shrugged and went back to kissing Neville with a smile.

That just broke Draco more. He sank to the floor, feeling lightheaded, his hands out in front of him. Harry had just shrugged at him and continued kissing Neville. He let the tears fall and he felt a hand rubbing his shoulder. He knows it was Blaise, which he's so glad went with him. He wouldn't know what he would have done if he saw them...and he was alone.

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