A Surprise Visit

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So much had happened so quickly after Mr Weasley was attacked by the snake and Harry, Hermione and Ron were whisked away to Grimmauld Place. Harry had been staring at his butterfly covered arm every morning and just wanting to feel the numbness take over him, but the butterflies were too elegant, and he just didn't want to 'kill' them. Especially Draco's green butterfly, it was just so stunning, and every time Harry looked at it, it reminded him of the blonde Slytherin that he just loves so much.

Harry couldn't even give Draco his Christmas presents in time as he would have if the bloody vision nightmare didn't happen. It was all packed up in his trunk. All he knew was that it wasn't Christmas Morning until Tomorrow, which leaves him seven hours to try to see Draco.

Harry rushed into the kitchen just in time to see Sirius and Remus sitting by the Kitchen island drinking cups of tea. "Sirius! Remus!"

Sirius smiled at Harry, his hand cupping the bottom of his grey mug. "Yes, Harry?"

Harry bit his lip and hoped the adults would agree to let him go. "I was wondering because it's Christmas Tomorrow..." Why is it taking so long to say? "Can I pleaseeeeee see Draco? I want to give him his presents."

Remus shook his head, brownish golden eyes staring remorsefully at the young boy. "I'm not sure if that's a wise idea, Harry," he admits carefully. "We don't know where he could be. Either at the Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire, Hogwarts or..."

"Can't we at least contact Professor Dumbledore and see if he is at Hogwarts first?" Harry asked quickly. He really misses the Slytherin and would love to see him right now. It's just an urge. An urge that he needs to fulfil.

"We could try, Harry," Sirius agreed with him, staring down into his cup of green tea like he could see Harry failing to contact the headmaster. Then he shrugged, "He is a busy man."

"Great!" Harry said excitedly, already rushing into the Lounge room. He walked over to the fireplace, threw some Floo Powder in, and muttered the Headmasters office. The orange flames turned green and Harry crouched down to get a closer look at the office. "Professor? It's me, Harry! Are you there?"

Dumbledore was just sitting on his desk writing out a few letters to a few people he used to know and was disturbed as the flames in his fireplace turned green. He heard the familiar voice of the boy he knows and walked over to his fireplace. "Yes, Harry," the Professor said, kneeling down on his knees. "How are you since that night and why are you fire calling me?"

"It's been good, I guess," Harry said blankly. He did not want to talk about that night. He blinked and looked his headmaster in the eye as he had far more important issues to discuss. "But Professor, is Draco still in Hogwarts?"

Dumbledore smiled with twinkling blue eyes and shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Harry," he says solemnly, his long silvery beard touching the ground. "He has no reason to stay in Hogwarts, ever since his beloved cousin was on trial."

"Did he return home to Malfoy manor?" asked Harry quickly, wanting to Floo to the Manor already. "And what do you mean Ivy was on trial? Is she free? Is she in Azkaban?" Harry felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up at Sirius, he was shaking his head.

"Ivy's free, Harry," Sirius said nonchalantly, beaming down at him. "No adopted daughter of mine is ever going to Azkaban! She's also maybe somewhere in this very house."

"Somewhere in this house?" Harry asked in disbelief but also in excitement. He didn't see her this morning though. When he saw Sirius nod, he turned back his attention to his headmaster. "So, is Draco at Malfoy Manor? And if so, is there any other way of contacting him in case Voldemort is at the Manor?"

"I remain unable to tell you that, Harry," Dumbledore said earnestly. "Perchance, Severus is keen to tell you since he is your therapist."

"How do I contact him then, Professor?" Harry asked him, feeling just a little impatient right now. If he could just Floo to Professor Snape's office and from Grimmauld Place, his dark Potions professor can take him to Draco from Hogwarts.

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