Venice, where the heart is

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Harry's eyes shot open as a familiar hoot came from somewhere around him. He sat up in a flash and looked around the bedroom. Nothing. But as he stared out at the balcony, he saw no other owl except Hedwig. Harry didn't understand a thing at all. What was Hedwig doing here and how did she find him? Harry looked down at the sleeping Draco in silky grey pyjamas and smiled lovingly. Draco was giving off little snoring noises that Harry thought were utterly adorable. He leaned down and kissed the blonde's forehead softly before quietly hopping off the bed and walking over to the Balcony door.

Harry opened the Balcony door and Hedwig flew right into the room, landing on top of Draco's desk. Harry placed his finger to his lips at Hedwig, gesturing she needs to be quiet. He then noticed Hedwig was holding a letter in her mouth. Actually, several letters. Harry took the letters from Hedwig and noticed they were all from a worried Ron, Hermione, and Sirius.

Hedwig pecked at Harry's hand hard.

"Oww! Stop that, Hedwig! What did I-" Harry knew what he did to deserve the peck. He left Hedwig alone at the Dursleys after that night a week ago. Harry gave Hedwig an apologetic frown, knowing she would have had to find her food on her own. Harry sighed guiltily, feeling his depression come back to him and he read the letters from Hermione, Ron, and Sirius.


Where are you? Are you safe? Please, tell us where you are. The Weasley's and I came over to the Dursleys, but they said you weren't there at all. Harry, I hope you're safe. Everyone's worried sick! Especially now that you're on trial. By the way, I'm so sorry you had to go through all the abuse alone, Harry. Ron told me everything, and please, don't get mad at him. It was my fault. I was curious and I found him reading a letter from Dumbledore in his room, so I had to know something. Oh, Harry. I wish you could have told me this.




Where are you mate? We're all worried for you, especially since you're on trial. When is that exactly? I don't know, Sirius probably knows. Anyway, please, I hope you're safe.




Where are you, Harry? You must Floo me immediately from your location. Your trial is next Monday at 10:00, wherever you are, you must come. Nobody wants the ministry after you, Harry. By the way, Ron and Hermione are being really secretive and I don't like it. I've tried persuading them to tell me what they're keeping but they just won't tell, and I don't think it's about your location. Are you okay, Harry? You know you can talk to me and Remus about anything, right? I know you have no idea where I live, and please, don't ask too many questions until the day of your trial. I'm at 12 Grimmauld Place.

P.S. I'm free from the Ministry's charges! I'm a free man!


Harry sighed, placed the letters on the desk and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. Hedwig hooted to get Harry's attention. Harry couldn't be bothered to shush her as he walked back to the bed and cuddled up to Draco.

Draco stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes to find teary green eyes staring right back at him. He frowned as he knew the potions were wearing off for Harry. "What's the matter, darling?" he asked worriedly and brought his hand up to Harry's face, giving his cheeks strokes with his thumbs.

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