Ungrateful Lessons with Snape

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I didn't know how to title this chapter.
Gib meh Ideas, pwease?

Chapter Text

Harry and Draco woke bright and early, packed everything they needed inside their trunks and headed down to the kitchens for some breakfast. It was a chilly morning, the snow was falling, and the lake over by the forest was still as frozen as a popsicle, so they rugged up in their woolly sweaters, trousers and thick socks.

Narcissa greeted both boys with a tired smile in the dining room. She obviously didn't get her required amount of sleep last night. Both Harry and Draco wondered why that was as Narcissa always came down to breakfast as if she slept for the last week or two.

"Narcissa?" Harry asked worriedly. He could just see the tiniest of black under her eyes. "Are you alright? You seem..."

"Tired?" Narcissa finished his sentence with a small yawn and a nod. "Yes, sorry for worrying you, I've just been stressed about where Lucius ran off to."

"Oh," Harry said blankly, then staring at the steaming large dark blue pot full of porridge in the middle of the table. He looked at her curiously, "Did he say where he was going?"

Narcissa shook her head with a frown. "Nope, but I fear I have an idea of who he's currently with," she says a little weakly, and Draco also frowned, knowing whom his mother meant.

Harry looked at the two Malfoy's who both appear to be frowning. He didn't know what to say to cheer them up, especially since he knew it was Voldemort who Narcissa was talking about. He thought about making up a joke, even though he knew he was terrible at them. He sighed quietly and dished his bowl up with some nice warm porridge. He grabbed some blueberries from a small brown bowl nearest to himself and Draco and sprinkled them in his porridge. He couldn't stand the silence right now. He gently cupped Draco's chin and turned his head around to look him in the eye. His other hand brushed a few strands of fallen hair out of the blonde's eyes and he kissed his cheek.

Draco finally looked up into concerned emerald green eyes and smiled at Harry. "I love you," he mouthed to the Gryffindor. He was so pleased to have Harry as his boyfriend in his life, especially since the Gryffindor always manages to brighten his day up with just a smile or a shimmer of his green eyes.

"I love you too," Harry mouthed back, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering around crazily at the smile Draco gave him. He too was so happy to have this amazing guy in his life. He was just like a flower, always blooming and making his life feel absolutely perfect.

Narcissa sighed, knowing it's silly to just sit around and wait for her husband to just appear by her side again so she started dishing her bowl up with porridge.

As breakfast ended, Harry and Draco retreated to Draco's room to check that they have everything that they really do need for the rest of the year. And as they knew that they did, they took their trunks down to the foyer, so they knew they were ready to go when it was time.

For the rest of the morning, they just snuggled up on the lounge and watched the blazing fire dance in the fireplace while listening to the birds outside that tweeted happily to one another and the crackling fire. As it was time to go, they headed back to the foyer to greet Narcissa and made their way to the black gates of Malfoy Manor where Narcissa apparated them to London Central Station in an apparition point.

Harry smiled at Narcissa and embraced her in a comfy hug, knowing she needs it from what he witnessed earlier this morning. "Be safe, Narcissa."

Narcissa smiled at the gesture and hugged the young boy back. "You too, Harry," she says warmly. She looked at both boys seriously. "Both of you, if you are allowed, please write to me. You have no idea how lonely it gets at both manors."

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