Tortured Souls

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I'm sorry for this chapter and what lies down below. Truly! ;-;
But it will get better. Trust me.
Again, I'm sorry.
I hope You all will forgive me.

Blaise woke up quickly as something loud had crashed... or banged. He didn't know which it was. The next thing he knew his stepfather had stormed into his bedroom looking much like he is in pain, and his brown hair, which is usually slicked back, stood up on all ends as if he walked into a tornado. That was new to see. And his father was clutching his arm, it disturbed him, especially what he has under his sleeves.

"Blaise," Mr Zabini scrunched his face and hissed. "C-Come with me, quick!"

Blaise shook his head at his stepfather. He's not going anywhere with this man. He grimaced at how much pain his stepfather looks like he's in. "No, father," he replies quietly. "I'm good right here."

"Now!" Mr Zabini spat hotly. He stalked over to his stepson's bed, grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out.

Blaise felt tears well up in his eyes as he struggled to get out of his stepfather's grasp. "I'm not going anywhere!" It was too late, his stepfather had apparated him out of their Manor and to where he knows, by the look of the darkened dining room and Mrs and Mr Malfoy sitting down looking stunned, Malfoy Manor.

His heart started thumping against his chest painfully as he saw the Dark Lord sitting at the end of the large dining table. Luckily, he didn't see Draco anywhere so that was a good thing. Maybe that's why Narcissa sent Draco to the Burrow... to protect him... He wished he had parents like that.

He kept his eyes down when he walked over to a seat next to his mother. When did she get here? He could feel Mrs Malfoy's eyes searching him and probably wondering why he was here in the first place. And then the Dark Lord Spoke and it send shivers down his spine from how old and evil he sounded.

"Ah, Blaise Zabini, is it?"

Bellatrix's eyebrow raised at the name she's heard before and she looked at her sister, who was staring at the young wizard.

Blaise nodded at the man, whose eyes were as red as blood and as cold as the deep arctic sea. He also had no nose, which was even more disturbing. He then realised, as he bravely looked around the dining table, that he was amongst many Death Eaters who should be in Azkaban right now. Bellatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback, some weird rat-looking guy, Barty Couch Jr, Antonin Dolohov, Alecto and Amycus Carrow.

The last person who he thought would be here, who helped him and Harry through their depression was Severus Snape. How dare the man be on this side! How dare he! How dare he, Harry's new father, betrays him! He could have been telling everyone's secrets to this Death Eater crew and Voldemort! He could have told everything Harry and himself go through to Voldemort.

Blaise glared at the man, but Severus only kept a straight face and looked away. Blaise could only see the mask the professor puts on every day in Potion's class. The mask that scares all the First, second and third-year students of Hogwarts. The mask that always scares the sweetly innocent Neville Longbottom.

"Welcome all my fellow associates," started Voldemort with his bone-chilling smile. "So glad to see all of your faces again."

More like sad, depressive, and frightened faces, Blaise thought as he looked back down at the black wooden dining table that once used to hold food. What does it hold now? Nothing but the smell of death.

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