Deceased and Loved

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"Who wants to play a round of Quidditch?"

George, Ginny, Ron, Harry, and Draco looked over at Fred with smiles. It was clear that they all have missed playing the game. Harry and Draco took no hesitation to run up to Ron's room to grab their broomsticks while the Weasley kids ran out back to the shed for their broomsticks.

Harry was the first one down, with Draco following from behind. What he didn't expect, or maybe he did expect it, was to be pinned to one of the walls of the Burrow and feel soft lips against his own. The kiss was gentle, and Harry kissed Draco back with equal the amount of gentleness. He opened an eye just to get a sneak peek of his beautiful boyfriend and noticed the early morning sunlight was shining through one of the large windows to the side of Draco and his hair looked almost golden. So handsome, pretty... How could he be so lucky?

And then the kiss was over, but Harry brought his hands up to cup Draco's warm soft cheeks. He smiled at Draco and Draco smiled back at him. "I guess I'll see you in the sky, Draco Malfoy," he said, giving him a playful grin at the thought of catching the Snitch before Draco like always. "I'm going to beat your arse," and as he says it, his hands are travelling down south from Draco's cheeks to his back, then further down to his arse cheeks, giving them a little squeeze.

Draco grunted at what he wanted and bit his lip to stop himself from rutting against Harry. "And if I win, I'll get your arse tonight, Potter," he says and quickly lowers his voice into a whisper as he hears footsteps coming into the Burrow from the front door. He doesn't want to be told off by the twins again. They already caught him with his hand down Harry's pants. "And don't imagine yourself winning because I know I will be victorious."

Harry rolled his eyes. The challenging Draco Malfoy is back. "Yeah... sure," he says flatly, not at all thinking Draco would win against him. When has Draco ever won against him? Not ever. Except for that time when it was just him against Draco out in the night when they were only just best friends. "See you on the field, and in bed tonight, Malfoy."

Giving him a peck on the mouth, which Harry knew wouldn't sustain Draco that much, he moved away from him and grabbed his broom from the floor where he dropped it. Harry gave Draco a wink, his smile widened as his boyfriend became visibly flustered by the rosiness showing on his cheeks and he reached forward to grab Draco's hand and took him outside the Burrow.

"UP HERE YOU GITS!" shouted a familiar voice from above them, and they both looked up and flushed. Ron, Ginny, Fred and George were up in the air, looking down at them. Ginny was using Charlie's old broomstick.

"Don't just stand there!" yelled Fred, sitting on his broom and displaying a wide grin. "Get up here so we can play."

"We don't have all day either!" George yells down at them with wriggling eyebrows. Little did he know, this would be the most devastating day of his life.

Harry sighed, knowing that was true. He mounted his broom and flew up into the air, speeding past the twins and took a sharp turn to appear next to Ron.

And then once Draco mounted his broom and flew up into the air, the game of Quidditch began but they didn't have the proper Quidditch balls, except Harry's practise snitch, so they just used oranges as Bludgers and Quaffles.

Harry smiled at Draco as he released the practice snitch, knowing it's just him against the blonde Slytherin. And then they were off Harry against Draco, Firebolt against Nimbus 2001, a race to capture the snitch.

Harry sped forward, leaving Draco behind him, but the Slytherin gained speed and accelerated towards Harry as fast as his broom could go.

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